Posted: Sep 22, 2015
Phillip Schloredt walked quietly into courtroom one at the King County jail, accused of an arson rampage outside his Magnolia home last night. Nevertheless, his lawyer argued he should be held on a reckless burning charge.
"And why do you feel arson in the second degree wouldn't apply?" asked King County District Court Judge Eileen Akato.
- PUB DATE: 9/22/2015 7:36:27 PM - SOURCE: KIRO-TV CBS 7
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Posted: Sep 22, 2015
A 46-year-old Seattle man has been charged with stalking and arson for allegedly setting fire to his ex-girlfriend's apartment.
Police say David Clark has been harassing his ex-girlfriend since the 26-year-old woman ended the relationship in April. Since the break-up, the victim has filed 13 police reports claiming Clark was stalking and harassing her.
- PUB DATE: 9/22/2015 5:47:00 PM - SOURCE: KOMO-TV ABC 4 and Radio 1000
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- 839
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Posted: Sep 22, 2015
A 46-year-old Seattle man has been charged with stalking and arson for allegedly setting fire to his ex-girlfriend's apartment.
Police say David Clark has been harassing his ex-girlfriend since the 26-year-old woman ended the relationship in April. Since the break-up, the victim has filed 13 police reports claiming Clark was stalking and harassing her.
- PUB DATE: 9/22/2015 5:47:00 PM - SOURCE: KOMO-TV ABC 4 and Radio 1000
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- 793
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Posted: Sep 22, 2015
West Thurston Regional Fire Authority Captain Brent Allen Strong (after a long courageous fight against duty related brain cancer) died on September 20th, 2015. Brent was 47 year old (born June 27th, 1968). Captain Strong started his career with Littlerock Fire Rescue in January 1997, after serving for many years as a volunteer with Littlerock (Thurston County Fire District 11), Lewis County Fire District 12, and Tumwater. Captain Strong also served with the City of Olympia and Tumwater as a temporary career firefighter. Captain Strong was an inspiring leader and Training Officer, who loved to serve his community and mentor his students and colleagues. Captain Strong was a pioneer in the fire training arena and instrumental in the development and success of the Thurston County Fire Academy, Thurston County Training Consortium, Littlerock Fire Rescue and West Thurston Regional Fire Authority...
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- 4561
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Posted: Sep 22, 2015
The 1,183 acre Meeks Table Fire on the Naches Ranger District is now 60 percent contained and not expected to grow further, fire officials said Monday.
A reduced crew of about?100 firefighters will continue to patrol the fire and put out remaining hot spots, but ?construction of fire lines is complete, according to the Monday news release from the Forest Service.
- PUB DATE: 9/22/2015 12:40:46 AM - SOURCE: Yakima Herald-Republic
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