Posted: Aug 28, 2015
As Washington and other Western states battle huge blazes this summer, two U.S. senators said at a field hearing in Seattle that more needs to be done to prepare for and help prevent future wildfires.
The federal legislation they are backing, the Wildland Fire Management Act, would establish community plans to reduce the risks of fires, support forest thinning and increase the ability to fight major fires so they don't grow into infernos that destroy homes and businesses.
- PUB DATE: 8/27/2015 9:48:50 PM - SOURCE: KOMO-TV ABC 4 and Radio 1000
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Posted: Aug 27, 2015
Columns of smoke tower over Alder Lake as a fire burns in heavy timber near Mineral. Down below, Tim Turvill said he's been watching the fire burn toward his home for days, so he's packed and ready to get out.
The fire started in late July when thunderstorms blew through the area and lightning sparked dry brush and timber.
- PUB DATE: 8/27/2015 7:41:04 PM - SOURCE: KIRO-TV CBS 7
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- 899
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Posted: Aug 27, 2015
Columns of smoke tower over Alder Lake as a fire burns in heavy timber near Mineral. Down below, Tim Turvill said he's been watching the fire burn toward his home for days, so he's packed and ready to get out.
The fire started in late July when thunderstorms blew through the area and lightning sparked dry brush and timber.
- PUB DATE: 8/27/2015 7:41:04 PM - SOURCE: KIRO-TV CBS 7
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- 805
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Posted: Aug 27, 2015
Investigators are on the hunt for a thief accused of stealing a folding water tank used by firefighters to help extinguish a small fire on the Olympic Peninsula.
Fire crews are now several days behind schedule because they had to scramble to bring a new source of water to the fire lines.
The 10-acre Cabin Fire is burning in the Olympic National Forest and it isn’t easy for firefighters to get there.
- PUB DATE: 8/27/2015 6:37:24 PM - SOURCE: KCPQ-TV FOX 13
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- 935
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Posted: Aug 27, 2015
Investigators are on the hunt for a thief accused of stealing a folding water tank used by firefighters to help extinguish a small fire on the Olympic Peninsula.
Fire crews are now several days behind schedule because they had to scramble to bring a new source of water to the fire lines.
The 10-acre Cabin Fire is burning in the Olympic National Forest and it isn’t easy for firefighters to get there.
- PUB DATE: 8/27/2015 6:37:24 PM - SOURCE: KCPQ-TV FOX 13
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- 851
- Article rating: No rating