Thomas Gase
Times-Herald, Vallejo, Calif.
Nov. 22—The Vallejo Fire Department (VFD) announced this week the completion of the installation and deployment of its new tone alert system in all active firehouses.
The VPD stated in a news release that it has “relied on an antiquated radio system that controlled station lights and speaker systems. This failing system had been nursed far beyond its useful lifespan and was often times inoperable in stations. Basic replacement parts were no longer available to make the repairs required to keep the system functional.”
The new Tone Alert system, which was approved by Vallejo city council using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, includes remote alerting modules placed throughout fire stations to notify firefighters of an emergency call. The system operates with its own power supply, redundancies, and backups. Red lights activate when a call is received, aiding in night vision and personnel alerting.
Additionally, the system utilizes Automated Voice Dispatching technology (AVD), which allows 9-1-1 dispatchers to remain on the phone with 9-1-1 callers while the system alerts the necessary firehouse(s). With the previous system, dispatchers would have to place callers on hold while dispatching stations, creating delays in response times. When activated, the AVD “voice” informs firefighters of the nature of the call they are responding to as they gear up and get ready to report to a scene, all while the dispatcher gathers additional information.
“This advanced knowledge of what firefighters are walking into helps them prepare for everything they may encounter on a call and allows our dispatchers to stay connected with callers at a critical time,” said Fire Chief Kyle Long in a news release. “At times, that could mean the difference between a life saved or lost.”
To learn more about funding for the Tone Alert project, visit
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