
WFC News

Posted: Oct 16, 2022

Henrietta (NY) Opens New Fire Station 6 on Erie Station Road

​Henrietta’s new Fire Station 6 is now open and serving the growing southwest corner of town, reported.

The firehouse, located at 60 Erie Station Road, has a drive-through apparatus bay, on-site living quarters and a new firefighting training facility, according to the report.

Henrietta’s new firefighting training facility at Fire Station 6.

Henrietta Fire District now has seven fire stations. It took over the West Brighton fire protection so now covers more than 40 square miles with four staffed and three volunteer stations, the report said.

The state-of-the-art station features upgrades in gear, kitchen, ventilation system, fitness room, new training area, burning tower and storage barn, the report said.

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Posted: Oct 15, 2022

PA Fire Station Gets New Kitchen with Grant from Lowe’s Home Improvement

Crews from Lowe’s Home Improvement stopped by the Penn Wynne-Overbrook Hills Fire Company in Lower Merion this week to renovate their decades-old kitchen, reported.

A fire official said the company has wanted to upgrade the kitchen for some time, but they’d rather spend their limited resources on things like safety equipment and community outreach programs, the report said.

The Lowe’s grant program is designed to help out various service organizations throughout the country. According to information provided by Lowe’s, “The five-year, $100 million program’s goal is to make a positive impact on millions of Americans.”

Tuesday, crews from Lowe’s Home Improvement were removing old cabinets and tearing out some of the walls in the kitchen area. In the coming days, the crews will be replacing those old cabinets, enlarging the kitchen, getting new appliances, and other upgrades, according to the report.

According to information on Lowe’s website about the project, the work crews will renovate the kitchen area with key structural and aesthetic renovations to increase accessibility and energy conservation while transforming an ill-placed kitchen that also serves as the firehouse’s public entrance, the report said.

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Posted: Oct 15, 2022

Osego (NY) Fire Department Receives Bonds to Buy New Truck

Oswego Fire Department was granted bonds by the city October 11 to buy a new vehicle that will replace its last remaining yellow fire truck, reported

The engine being replaced is a 1986 heavy rescue truck that is currently out of commission, according to a fire official.

With the old truck unusable, the fire official said it is a major issue for OFD because they do not necessarily have the equipment they need at the scene. Firefighters currently have to leave the scene and go back to the station to find what they need, load it onto the truck and then go back, the report said.

The city is currently looking to cover the cost of the new truck, a total price of around $1 million, according to a fire official. OFD hopes the new truck will be in Oswego by mid-November, if the bonds are approved this month, and will be fully operational and in use by December 1.

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Posted: Oct 15, 2022

Holtville (CA) Fire Station Design Divides Council

Plans for the vacant lot owned by the city of Holtville north of Holt Park was again the subject of debate, dividing the city council 4-1 over the proposed footprint of the Public Safety Building, reported.

The debate centered on whether the Public Safety Building would have its fire apparatus bay exit onto Sixth Street, which is a busy road, or Pine Avenue, into a neighborhood, the report said.

Their solution was to install four-way stop signs on Sixth Street at both Pine Avenue and the neighboring Holt Avenue, thereby slowing down traffic along Sixth Street, which would make it safer for the fire vehicles to pull out onto the street, the report said.

Discussions surrounding these issues will continue into the next city council meeting, including discussion around whether the stop signs will change the options in plans for the Public Safety Building lot, according to the report.

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Posted: Oct 14, 2022

Structural issues found during Mount Vernon fire station remodel

Several structural issues found during a remodel project at a Mount Vernon fire station will cost the city $320,000 to fix. While demolishing part of the Division Street station, crews with contractor KBA found water damage, cracks in the concrete foundation, gaps in the roofing structure and a wall that was out of alignment.
- PUB DATE: 10/14/2022 12:30:00 PM - SOURCE: Go Skagit - Metered Site
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