The Middleport Village Council had a full agenda to discuss during its September 26 meeting, with fire truck replacement and possible Christmas bonuses for employees among the key items, reported.
A fire official appeared before council to discuss the fire truck wreck and proposed plans for future fire department replacement trucks. The official felt it would be best to buy a used vehicle for now and try to work out a financial plan to purchase two new vehicles. He said it was not clear yet what amount the village would receive from the insurance company, but the purchase price of the wrecked vehicle was $323,000 with a new truck to replace it costing about $670,000, the report said.
The council unanimously authorized the fire official to spend up to $45,000 for a used vehicle after the insurance settlement was received. Council also authorized the fire official to initiate a lease/purchase agreement on the first new truck that had been ordered previously in order to get the present interest rates, according to the report.
Plans for financing of a second new truck were tabled until more information can be obtained on the insurance settlement and the amount of funds being received from our present levies, the report said.