
WFC News

Posted: Sep 28, 2022

$90,000 of Lifesaving Equipment Stolen from Grays Harbor County (WA) Fire Station

Authorities say $90,000 in firefighting and lifesaving equipment was stolen from a Grays Harbor County fire station, reported.

According to the Grays Harbor Fire District No. 1, a team member discovered the station had been burglarized when he came into work around 6 a.m. He called the fire chief, who called the sheriff’s office to alert them to the break-in, the report said.

The station has three apparatuses —a water tender, a fire engine and an ambulance, according to the report.

Officials say all three were picked clean. Stolen items include defibrillators, jaws of life, chainsaws, radios, rescue tools and other lifesaving gear, the report said.

The sheriff’s office said the fire station lost an estimated $90,000 in equipment, and will be out of service until the items can be found or replaced, the report said.

Anyone with information on the stolen items or suspects is urged to call Grays Harbor County Dispatch at (360) 533-8765.

Source: Grays Harbor Fire District No. 1 Facebook page.
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Posted: Sep 28, 2022

New Fire Station Breaks Ground in Southwest Columbia (MO)

The city of Columbia hosted a groundbreaking ceremony Tuesday to celebrate the construction of a new fire station, reported. The new house will be know as Fire Station No. 11 and will serve the southwest portion of Columbia.

Construction on the project is currently underway, as workers prepare the ground for the building’s foundation, located at 6909 Scott Boulevard. They expected the project to be completed by summer of 2023, the report said.

A fire official said this fire station will bring immediate relief for Fire Station No. 6 and No. 7, according to the report. 

Construction of the fire station is being funded by the 2015 ¼-cent capital improvement sales tax, according to a press release. 

The new fire station will include a large classroom to train staff, four individual bunk rooms, commercial kitchen, family type room, and a physical fitness workout room, the report said.

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Posted: Sep 28, 2022

Ridgefield (CT) Approves $1.8M for Two New, ‘Longer Life’ Fire Trucks

Ridgefield residents have unanimously approved to buy two fire trucks for about $1.8 million — a purchase that’s greatly needed, a city official said, reported.

The cost of the trucks, which is almost $1.77 million, is part of the town’s five-year capital plan. There was a new truck specified in the budget for 2023 and 2024. However, the town has requested to move those purchases up, due to the poor condition of its current fire trucks, the report said.

The delivery time for the fire trucks is about 17 months from the time of order.  

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Posted: Sep 28, 2022

Billings (MT) City Council Moves Forward on New Heights Fire Station

The Billings City Council has approved plans for a new fire station in the Heights, one that will house the city’s first mobile response team focused on medical calls, reported.

The council approved pursuing the purchase of a new building on Monday night. The Billings Fire Department has already set aside $2 million in its 2023 budget for the purchase, the report said.

Billings’ newest fire station may look like many others at first glance, but the double bay garage houses much more than traditional fire trucks, according to the report.

Since this was once a fire station, remodeling the building will save the city money. The total project is expected to cost just over $1 million, compared to it an estimated $4 million to $7 million for a brand new station, the report said.

One mobile response team is expected to be up and running at the new station by December 1, the report said.

Fire Station 8 will be the base for the city’s first mobile medical response team. Medical calls in Billings have recently skyrocketed, and firefighters say a traditional fire truck is often not necessary, according to the report.

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Posted: Sep 28, 2022

Chester Township (NJ) to buy new fire truck

Chester Township Council voted 3-0 to buy its next fire truck during its September 20 meeting, reported.

The truck would eventually replace a fire engine that is in its 40th year of service but had been refurbished in 1997, the report said. The new vehicle would not be purchased until 2025 but the council thought it would be prudent to set up financing, so that they could move on it when necessary. The bond ordinance is being introduced to set up that purchase order, according to the report.

The township with Chester Borough recently bought a Tower 9 Hook and Ladder truck for $1.4 million. The cost of the new truck would be $1,049,522, the report said.

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