
WFC News

Posted: Sep 29, 2022

Lynchburg (OH) Fire Department Takes Delivery of a Federal Funded Rosenbauer Tanker

By Bill Adkins

Lynchburg (OH) Fire Department recently applied for the FEMA based AFG grant (Assistance to firefighter’s grant). With help from Ohio First Responder Grants, LLC Lynchburg was able to purchase a 2022 Rosenbauer 3,000-gallon tanker at a fraction of the cost. The grant was designed to replace a 2000 International 2000-gallon tanker along with a 2001 International 1800-gallon tanker. These tankers were equipped with small PTO pumps and were no longer practical for the current operations set forth by Lynchburg Fire Chief Jeff Turner. 

Lynchburg Fire Department covers 89 square miles and protects the Village of Lynchburg, Dodson Township, Hamer Township, Salem Township, and Union Townships in Highland County. With a population of more than 7,500 and the large land mass, hydrants are far and few between. Water tankers are Lynchburg’s primary source of water supply. So, one can imagine how important having possession of a reliable tanker is to the community. 

Members of Lynchburg FD discussed options for a tanker to best suit the dynamics they have day in and day out. Like most small-town fire departments Lynchburg relies on volunteers for staffing. Some volunteers come from miles away and may need to meet apparatus at the scene. One scenario tanker 412 may be tasked with is being first arriving apparatus. The members wanted the new tanker to have enough equipment and a large pump to sustain fire ground operations until other apparatus arrive. Another scenario, and what may turn into a more frequent option that they had not had before, is nurse tanker operations. After researching options and looking at tankers from surrounding departments, asking what worked and asking what those departments would change, the members of Lynchburg FD came up with Tanker 412.

Tanker 412

Lynchburg (OH) Tanker 412

Tanker 412 is a 2022 3,000-gallon Rosenbauer on a Kenworth T440 chassis. With a Paccar PX-9, 450-horsepower engine, Tanker 412 will have no problem negotiating Highland County roadways. With members wanting the new apparatus to have a large pump they decided to go with the Qmax 1500. This 1,500-gallon-per-minute (GPM) pump is controlled by a Fire Research INCONTROL 300 power module. Tanker 412’s chassis has cameras on the driver’s side, passenger side, and rear to help operators negotiate tight spaces and turns. 

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Posted: Sep 29, 2022

VIDEO: Downed power line sparks flames in Florida, fire station bay flooded

Weather conditions in Florida's Gulf Coast are dangerous due to Hurricane Ian -- and authorities are experiencing issues as rain and wind hammer the area. The Naples Fire and Rescue Department posted a video of a downed power line that sparked flames in the street on Wednesday. No one was hurt but authorities shared the footage to remind the public to stay off roads until the storm passes.
- PUB DATE: 9/29/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: WPEC-TV CBS 12 West Palm Beach
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Posted: Sep 29, 2022

City in Kansas adds 24-7 defibrillator called a 'SaveStation' to local park

The City of Overland Park now has a defibrillator available 24-7 at one of their parks, what they are calling their new “SaveStation”. Jason Green, EMS Chief for the City of Overland Park, said this will help save more lives, with everyone being able to use it and follow its instructions. Green said the city’s cardiac arrest save rate is around 42 percent, which is much higher than other Kansas City metro emergency services, and across the country.
- PUB DATE: 9/29/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: KCTV CBS 5 Kansas City
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Posted: Sep 29, 2022

New Video Encourages Volunteers To Answer The Call In Pennsylvania

Just in time for Fire Prevention Month, Doylestown Borough and Doylestown Township have released a new video aimed at recruiting new members for the Doylestown Fire Company. Both the borough and the township ran the video spot at their September public meetings. The video will also be shown on their websites, at the County Theatre and through a variety of other avenues.
- PUB DATE: 9/29/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: Doylestown Patch
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Posted: Sep 29, 2022

Texas fire chief tours modern station in Polish sister city, proposes firefighter exchange

On Wednesday, Tyler Fire Chief David Coble toured a recently-constructed fire station in Tyler’s sister city of Jelenia Góra, Poland. Coble is traveling with a group of representatives from East Texas to deepen the partnership between the two communities. His Polish counterpart led the delegation on a tour of Jelenia Góra’s main fire station, an expansive and modern facility that opened in the last two years.
- PUB DATE: 9/29/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: KLTV ABC 7 Tyler
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