An Indiana state trooper was struck by a speeding vehicle at the scene of an incident at 2:00 a.m. Saturday.
The Hammond Fire Department and state police were investigating an incident on I-80/94 eastbound when a vehicle slammed into the fire engine and a state police vehicle, striking the trooper.
The car, a white Dodge Charger, was traveling at about 100 miles per hour when the accident occurred, WLFI reports. The trooper was pinned to a Jersey barrier by a Subaru that was also struck by the Charger. He was treated for his injuries and released at a local hospital.
Three firefighters were in the fire engine at the time of the crash, but were not injured.
The driver of the Charger attempted to flee from the scene but was blocked by two good Samaritans, one of whom had to pull out a gun to subdue the driver.
Members of Hammond Firefighters Local 556 were lucky to escape being hurt or killed this morning. While arriving at the…
Posted by Hammond Firefighters Local 556 on Saturday, July 23, 2022