
WFC News

Posted: Jul 17, 2022

Peoria (IL) Approves $3.2M for New Apparatus

City Councilors in Peoria (IL) approved $3.2 million in new apparatus sales, expecting to get the new rigs in 2024, according to a report published by the radio station WCBU.

The station reported that Interim Fire Chief Shawn Sollberger said the wait times for apparatus can be up to 27 months because of supply chain issues. The chief told councilors that by making a decision and commitment to buy the apparatus now, they will have time to raise and appropriate the funds by the time the apparatus is delivered, according to the station.

The apparatus that might be replaced include two aerials from 2001 and one from 1994, according to the radio station.

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Posted: Jul 16, 2022

Diana (TX) Firefighters Get New Brush Truck, Immediately Respond to Three Fires

Almost immediately after it was put in service, the Diana (TX) Volunteer Fire Department used a new apparatus on three grass fires, according to a report published by The Gilmer Mirror.

The paper said the apparatus was purchased with funds from the Rural Volunteer Fire Department Assistance Program. It is built on a Ford F-350 cab and chassis and is equipped with a slip-on unit that can hold 350 gallons of water and 5 gallons of foam.

Texas A&M Forest Service administers the  Rural VFD Assistance Program and is committed to protecting lives, property and natural resources. The  Rural Volunteer Fire Department Assistance Program is funded by the Texas Legislature and provides  cost-share funding to rural volunteer fire departments for the acquisition of firefighting vehicles, fire and  rescue equipment, protective clothing, dry hydrants, computer systems and firefighter training.  

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Posted: Jul 16, 2022

Icy Windshield Cause Aussie Driver to Slam into Fire Truck

After not clearing ice from his windshield a 29-year-old man crashed into a stationary fire truck in Isabella Plains, Australia, according to a report published by the Canberra Weekly.

The report says the there were no serious injuries after the man hit the back of the fire apparatus parked at the scene of a previous collision at an intersection. The driver of the Hyundai Accent will be fined $205 for driving his motor vehicle without a clear view and $398 for negligent driving, according to the report.

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Posted: Jul 16, 2022

Rescue Truck Burns Inside Constantine (MI) Fire Station

Constantine (MI) Fire Department’s rescue truck was destroyed after it caught fire in the station Friday afternoon, according to a report published by ABC57.

According to the report, the fire broke out after a firefighter had done monthly maintenance on the rescue truck and backed it into the main apparatus bay in the station. Later, a firefighter heard a noise in the apparatus bay and found smoke in the bay and the truck on fire, the report added.

There were no injuries, but the station and other apparatus sustained some smoke damage, according to the television station. It’s believed a mechanical or electrical failure in the engine compartment caused the fire, according to the report.

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Posted: Jul 16, 2022

After Two Years of Preparation, Vancouver (WA) Puts New Aerial in Service

The fire service is deeply enriched in tradition and lore. One of the long-standing traditions that began in the 1800s, was when crews returned from a call on horse-drawn apparatus, the animals were unable to back into the station, requiring members to detach the horses and push the apparatus into the bay. 

This requirement is obviously no longer needed however, the tradition of pushing apparatus into the bays has stuck around. When fire departments receive a new fire engine or fire truck, members from the department ceremonially push the equipment into the truck bay. 

On Friday (July 15), after two years in the making, The Vancouver Fire Department put into service the new Truck 5. Sticking with the long-standing tradition, members of the department and community pushed the new truck into the bay and celebrated putting the truck in service. 

The members of the Vancouver Fire Department would like to thank the community for the continued support and allowing them to serve you. 

Information provided by Vancouver Fire Department.

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