
WFC News

Posted: Jul 13, 2022

Calgary (Canada) May Soon Test Pierce Electric Fire Truck

Calgary’s fire department may soon be testing the first electric fire truck in Canada. Pierce wants to try out its electric fire trucks in different markets and climates, officials say, and Calgary may be in line to test one.

The manufacturer wants to test an electric apparatus in a cold climate, reports, and Calgary, of course, fits the bill. The electric truck can run on batteries for 24 hours but can use a diesel motor if they run out.

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Posted: Jul 13, 2022

Anheuser-Busch donates drinking water to Newman Lake firefighters

Anheuser-Busch recently donated 98 cases of canned drinking water to Newman Lake Fire and Rescue for the upcoming wildfire season so firefighters can stay hydrated as they work. Newman Lake Fire, also known as Spokane County Fire District 13, is a volunteer fire department covering the area surrounding Newman Lake to the Idaho border.
- PUB DATE: 7/13/2022 5:14:00 AM - SOURCE: Spokane Spokesman-Review - Metered Site
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Posted: Jul 13, 2022

Meet Alameda (CA) Fire Department Medic 3

As of July 1, Medic 3 is in service, the Alameda Fire Department announced.

In addition to Engine 3, Rescue 3, and Alameda Care Team 3, Medic 3 is responding from station 3, to better serve the entire community of Alameda.

The Alameda Fire Department now has the following resources available on a daily basis:

Station 1 (Park Street)-
Battalion 1 (1 Chief Officer)
Engine Co. 1 (crew of 3)
Truck Co. 1 (crew of 3)
Medic-1 (crew of 2)
Rescue Boat-1 (cross-staffed)

Station 2 (Pacific Avenue)-
Engine Co. 2 (crew of 3)
Truck Co. 2 (crew of 3)
Medic-2 (crew of 2)
Rescue Boat-2 (cross-staffed)

Station 3 (Buena Vista Avenue)-
Engine Co. 3 (crew of 3)
Rescue Co. 3 (cross-staffed)
Medic-3 (crew of 2)
Alameda Care Team-3 (crew of 2)

Station 4 (Mecartney Road)-
Engine Co. 4 (crew of 3)
Water Tender-1 (cross-staffed)
Medic-4 (crew of 2)

Daily staffing for the Alameda Fire Department is now 29, with the addition of Medic 3.

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Posted: Jul 13, 2022

Fort Wayne (IN) to Replace Outdated Station

The City of Fort Wayne plans to build a new fire station on Lower Huntington Road to replace the aging station on Bluffton Road. And the Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission Monday authorized the acquisition of land, reports

The property is the former Adams Radio Group, located at 2000 Lower Huntington Rd., and the cost is estimated around $150,000, according to the report. The Bluffton Road facility was built in the 1970s and is too cramped and outdated.

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Station 5 is the second of three stations targeted for replacement; construction on Station 14 will most likely begin this fall, officials say. Station 6 also needs replacing. The cost for Station 14 will be around $5 million, and the facility will measure around 10,000 square feet; its bidding process has begun.

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Posted: Jul 13, 2022

Fairfax (VA) Installs Dry Hydrants with Grant Funds

Much of Virginia’s Fairfax County has a decidedly urban feel, but there are still rural pockets where no infrastructure exists to support fire hydrants.

That left firefighters often deploying tankers to make up for the shortage of water when they initially responded to a scene.

A more elegant solution, however, was the installation of dry hydrants – an underground piping system that connects to a local water source, such as a pond, that can feed firefighting operations when a truck hooks up to it to provide the pump.

Master Technician Pete Kosenko and the Fairfax Fire Department recently finished installing four dry hydrants in the county’s Clifton neighborhood. The project took a lot of planning. Water sources had to be identified, private landowners had to agree to participate and funds had to be acquired.

With funding from the Virginia Department of Fire Programs and the Virginia Forestry Department the project got underway back in 2018. The COVID-19 pandemic caused a pause in the action, but the department recently finished the installation of its third dry hydrant, increasing the level of protection to the neighborhood.

Read more about the project here.

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