
WFC News

Posted: Jul 12, 2022

Norman Wells (Canada) Fire Officials Drive New Truck 1,500+ Miles Home

Brandon and Peter, fire officials in Norman Wells, went above and beyond to bring home a fire truck for their department—to Winnipeg, in fact, more than 1,500 miles away.

Indeed. Two fire officials flew to Winnipeg and took the apparatus on a road trip back to the Northwest Territories.

It was a trickier-than-expected trip, though, as you will see below. See the new truck’s—which is 36 feet long, weighs 46,500 pounds when fully loaded, and can reach a top speed of about 78mph—journey below.

Its predecessor will be repurposed for other uses.

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Posted: Jul 12, 2022

Wilmington (NC) Fire Department Launches New Deployment Model

Over the last week, the Wilmington Fire Department launched a new deployment model which will facilitate quicker responses to emergency scenes. The change includes adding three quick-response vehicles, or squads, and moving two of our front-line apparatus to reserve. While we moved some personnel around to accommodate this new model, we did not lose or cut any personnel. In fact, adding these support utility vehicles increases our daily minimum staffing on 3 of our firefighting units and the number of personnel responding to both commercial and residential fires.

“Since 2017, we’ve been working on a new deployment model that creates a more efficient way to respond to calls, the majority of which don’t require a large firefighting apparatus. This new deployment model will reduce wear and tear on our larger, very expensive fire units, extending their service life and increasing their availability to respond to fires,” said Fire Chief Steve Mason. “In addition, we have been able to save hundreds of thousands of dollars in our fleet replacement fund, provide funding to replace a 25-year-old air/light unit, significantly reduce the average age of our front line and reserve apparatus and provide four-person staffing to three units.”

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The squads are running out of Headquarters on Market St, Station 3 on Cinema Dr, and Station 8 off Eastwood Rd. They will respond to many of the same types of calls that their engine counterparts did, like emergency medical calls, structure fires, and rescues. The squads will also be going to non-emergency calls like lift assists and home-safety visits. Eventually, the units will be used to in our drone response program, to assist with search and rescue.

The squad trucks are outfitted hand tools including forcible entry tools and battery-operated saws, a full inventory of emergency medical equipment, fire extinguishers, thermal imaging camera, portable power generator, and water rescue equipment. These units are also equipped to be able to assist with trailer and boat operations and heavy-duty winches to be able to quickly clear storm debris from the roadways, allowing emergency vehicle access.

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Posted: Jul 12, 2022

Watch Boynton Beach (FL) Fire Rescue Christen New Engine

The Boynton Beach Fire Rescue Department Saturday held a push-in ceremony for its new custom-built Sutphen engine.

The apparatus has a 1,000-gallon tank and will be housed at Station 2, located at 2615 W. Woolbright Rd.

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Posted: Jul 12, 2022

Diaz (AK) Fire Department Purchases Brush Truck

The Diaz Fire Department recently purchased a 2002 Ford F-350 Pierce brush truck via a $15,000 grant from the Jackson County Quorum Court and money from the City of Diaz.

The truck—which has a 250-gallons-per-minute, 250-gallon tank—replaces the department’s 1985 Chevrolet brush truck.

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Posted: Jul 12, 2022

Photo of the Day: July 12, 2022

KME—Ashville (NC) Fire Department pumper. Severe Service XMFD cab and chassis; Cummins L9 450-hp engine; Hale Qmax 1,500-gpm pump; 500-gallon polypropylene water tank; Harrison 3.6-kW generator; lowered hosebed; Roto-Ray warning light; Steertek front axle; FireTech LED scene lighting package. Dealer: Cameron Marler, Safe Industries, Easley, SC.


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