Posted: Nov 17, 2023
VIDEO: It's been more than two weeks since a house fire in Spokane Valley killed two young boys. Firefighters are now out in the community teaching children the importance of fire safety.
This includes 10-year-old Quinn Whitley, who got a special treat from the Spokane Valley Fire Department. A Spokane Valley fire truck and firefighters surprised Quinn at her home in Liberty Lake.
- PUB DATE: 11/17/2023 3:20:00 AM - SOURCE: KREM-TV CBS 2 Spokane
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Posted: Nov 17, 2023
Firefighters spent nearly three hours battling an extra-alarm fire that started Thursday morning at a warehouse in the Back of the Yards neighborhood.
The fire started at a warehouse at the Evans Food Group processing plant near 41st and Halsted around 8:30 a.m. Chicago Fire Department officials said the fire was later raised to a 3-11 alarm, bringing in extra crews to fight the flames.
- PUB DATE: 11/17/2023 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: WBBM-TV CBS 2 Chicago
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Posted: Nov 17, 2023
A 12-year-old girl from Miller Middle School in San Jose has won $25,000 in a science fair for her invention of a new fire detection system that’s faster, cheaper, and more reliable than smoke detectors.
The Thermo Fischer Junior Innovator’s Challenge claims to be the nation’s premier STEM contest for middle schoolers, and Shanya Gill won over second and third-place inventions of a smartphone app that can detect certain cancers and an experimental method of generating electricity through plant cells.
- PUB DATE: 11/17/2023 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: Good News Network
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Posted: Nov 17, 2023
VIDEO: As the excitement builds for the Formula 1 race hitting the valley this weekend, local hospitals and first responders are taking proactive steps to ensure the safety of the drivers and hundreds of thousands of fans.
Alison McKnickle, vice chief of trauma at UMC, shares insights into her team's extensive preparations over the last several months.
- PUB DATE: 11/17/2023 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: KTNV-TV ABC 13 Las Vegas
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Posted: Nov 17, 2023
The inaugural Disaster Management Symposium was conducted Nov. 8, when consecutive hour-long webinars featured expert panelists exploring various aspects of the three main phases of a disaster for public safety and governments: planning, response and recovery. This virtual symposium was a joint effort of American City & County, IWCE’s Urgent Communications and IWCE.
- PUB DATE: 11/17/2023 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: American City and County
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