
WFC News

Posted: Oct 1, 2018

What Really Works to Reduce Fire Apparatus Crashes?

Emergency service vehicle incidents (ESVIs), including crashes, rollovers, and roadside struck-by incidents, are leading causes of occupational fatality and injury among firefighters and other emergency responders. Between 1994 and 2012, 390 United States firefighters were killed in ESVIs, and approximately 1,100 firefighters are injured in ESVIs every year.

ESVIs are also a danger to civilians, given emergency vehicles’ large sizes and high-speed operations. Between 1997 and 2006, 94 of 107 fatalities from collisions involving a fire service vehicle during emergency response were occupants of the other vehicle, pedestrians, or bicyclists.

Recently, a multidisciplinary team of researchers and fire service partners, led by researchers from the University of Arizona, completed the first comprehensive review of interventions designed to reduce or prevent ESVIs. For this review, researchers gathered articles published in the past decade featuring ESVI interventions and interviewed key informants (chiefs, captains, and lieutenants) from fire departments serving major metropolitan areas. These key informants were from departments found in the reviewed articles or referred by chiefs from the International Association of Fire Chiefs and National Fire Protection Association Metropolitan Fire Chiefs. The team reviewed more than 400 published articles and interviewed 17 fire departments across the United States and United Kingdom (UK). They identified several effective and promising evidence-based interventions currently available to fire and emergency services. Interventions identified included additions or modifications to the emergency vehicle, modifications to the environment (including roads and stations), policy and administration interventions, and education and training programs.

Of the interventions reviewed, proactive risk management and enhanced driver training/refresher training had data available showing proof of ESVI reduction. Proactive risk management uses a formalized procedure of identifying, evaluating, and ranking risks and implementing controls. It has been used in various industries, including mining and automotive manufacturing, to prevent and reduce occupational risks and hazards, and several fire departments are already doing this with great results. Rockland County (NY) Paramedic Services reported a 58 percent reduction in ESVIs, 54 percent reduction in related costs, and 36 percent reduction in crash-related injuries. Crash data from the London Fire Brigade in the UK revealed a 19 percent reduction in overall crash rates.

Enhanced driver training and refresher training programs were found to be particularly effective. These programs typically increase the amount of hands-on field training and vehicle-specific operation training and include closed-course evolutions and scenarios. Data from several departments showed significant reductions in ESVIs attributable to enhanced training. After implementing a comprehensive driver training program in 2008, the Seattle (WA) Fire Department reduced its average crash rate by 19 percent. The Sacramento (CA) Fire Department had an immediate 26 percent reduction in crashes one year after implementing a comprehensive emergency vehicle operator course, including annual refresher training. Its crash rates continued to decline, resulting in an overall 50 percent reduction in crashes that reportedly saved the city an average of $3 to $4 million annually from avoided vehicle collisions.

Not all interventions identified in the review could be evaluated for how effectively they reduced ESVIs. These interventions included driver mentoring programs, emergency veh

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Posted: Oct 1, 2018

Technology, the Fire Department, and Fire Apparatus

Richard Marinucci

Richard Marinucci

A few years ago, I was contacted by someone in the tech field who was testing a new product—Google Glass. He wanted to show me what they could do and see what the potential was in the industry.

I was very impressed and thought that it would only improve and that there were options for use, especially in management and administration. Recently, I was talking about technology with another chief and I recalled my exposure to this product. I said that obviously I was not a good judge of the technology market, as I have not heard anything about Google Glass in a few years. The point here is that it is not always easy to predict the winners and losers. Technology is changing rapidly, and without a good plan many in the fire industry can make errors in selecting what is likely to help with service and last longer than the warranty.

There seems to be a tendency to want to get onboard with the latest advancements in the industry. This is not all bad, but you should remember the old advice when something seems to be ready to solve all your problems—“Caveat Emptor”—or let the buyer beware. Like all decision making, you should have a process to evaluate any and all products to determine if there is benefit and if that benefit is worth the cost. Part of any evaluation should be whether or not the product improves service, saves time, or does both. Finding a tangible, measurable tool for every new development is very challenging but will be worth the effort so you don’t waste valuable resources.


Speaking of resources, you should have a few at your disposal that can be of assistance. If there is an IT department, those in that agency generally have a good feel for the direction of technology and the types of products to produce results. This does not mean they have all the answers, particularly in the emergency services, as the job functions are not their area of expertise. They also may not be aware of any mandates or standards in the industry that require action. But, they cannot be discounted in their core knowledge in this area. Take the time to build a relationship and work with them. Do not discount the importance of seeking their opinion even when you may not think it is important. Inclusion, even when not needed, can pay off when you need advice on items out of your area of expertise.

Besides the IT department, there are probably members of your department who have an aptitude for technology. Not to put anyone in a predetermined box, but younger firefighters have grown up with technology and don’t remember a world without it (what is a typewriter?). As such, they have a comfort level and enjoy looking at new “toys” that can help them on the job. Your job here is to set parameters and make sure you aren’t going faster than the entire organization can handle. You need to know not only your “techies” but also those who are in a position of influence who may not be as ready to adapt. Sometimes a good idea needs a “sales pitch.” Technology that is intended to improve service and save time will do neither if it is not embraced by the leadership of the department, both the formal and informal leaders.

Sales r

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Posted: Oct 1, 2018

Technology, the Fire Department, and Fire Apparatus

Richard Marinucci

Richard Marinucci

A few years ago, I was contacted by someone in the tech field who was testing a new product—Google Glass. He wanted to show me what they could do and see what the potential was in the industry.

I was very impressed and thought that it would only improve and that there were options for use, especially in management and administration. Recently, I was talking about technology with another chief and I recalled my exposure to this product. I said that obviously I was not a good judge of the technology market, as I have not heard anything about Google Glass in a few years. The point here is that it is not always easy to predict the winners and losers. Technology is changing rapidly, and without a good plan many in the fire industry can make errors in selecting what is likely to help with service and last longer than the warranty.

There seems to be a tendency to want to get onboard with the latest advancements in the industry. This is not all bad, but you should remember the old advice when something seems to be ready to solve all your problems—“Caveat Emptor”—or let the buyer beware. Like all decision making, you should have a process to evaluate any and all products to determine if there is benefit and if that benefit is worth the cost. Part of any evaluation should be whether or not the product improves service, saves time, or does both. Finding a tangible, measurable tool for every new development is very challenging but will be worth the effort so you don’t waste valuable resources.


Speaking of resources, you should have a few at your disposal that can be of assistance. If there is an IT department, those in that agency generally have a good feel for the direction of technology and the types of products to produce results. This does not mean they have all the answers, particularly in the emergency services, as the job functions are not their area of expertise. They also may not be aware of any mandates or standards in the industry that require action. But, they cannot be discounted in their core knowledge in this area. Take the time to build a relationship and work with them. Do not discount the importance of seeking their opinion even when you may not think it is important. Inclusion, even when not needed, can pay off when you need advice on items out of your area of expertise.

Besides the IT department, there are probably members of your department who have an aptitude for technology. Not to put anyone in a predetermined box, but younger firefighters have grown up with technology and don’t remember a world without it (what is a typewriter?). As such, they have a comfort level and enjoy looking at new “toys” that can help them on the job. Your job here is to set parameters and make sure you aren’t going faster than the entire organization can handle. You need to know not only your “techies” but also those who are in a position of influence who may not be as ready to adapt. Sometimes a good idea needs a “sales pitch.” Technology that is intended to improve service and save time will do neither if it is not embraced by the leadership of the department, both the formal and informal leaders.

Sales r

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Posted: Oct 1, 2018

Fire Safety Campaign Encourages Fire Service Professionals to Help Communities Close the Door on Fire

Firefighters participate in a live burn

Photo credit: UL FSRI

UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute (FSRI) is working across all levels of the fire service in its “Close Before You Doze” fire safety campaign. This ongoing public education initiative is aimed at teaching the community how to contain a house fire and keep family members safe.

In honor of Fire Prevention Week, UL FSRI burned a fully-furnished home to demonstrate how the simple behavior of closing the doors in a house--particularly before bedtime--can have a potentially life-saving impact on those trapped inside, and what first responders should do when responding to a house fire.

MORE: Closed Doors Can Save Lives | UL FSRI Enlists Firefighters in 'Close Your Door' Campaign | Today's Evolving Fire Attack

“Our research clearly shows that closed doors dramatically decrease heat and CO levels, which provide trapped occupants more time for help to arrive,” said Steve Kerber, UL Director of Firefighter Safety Research. “Closing your doors is especially important at night when people are vulnerable and disoriented, with little time to react. It’s such a simple thing to do, and the result can be life versus death.”

Forty years ago, people had an average of 17 minutes to escape a burning home after the activation of a smoke alarm. Today, according to research by UL FSRI, that window has shrunk to an average of three minutes or less as a result of synthetic furnishing materials, open floor plans and lightweight construction materials, which all accelerate the spread of a fire.

“As members of the fire service, we know the significant impact a closed door can have on the occupants of a burning house,” said Kelvin Thomas, Battalion Chief, Deputy Training Officer/Command Competencies Coordinator of the Montgomery County (MD) Fire & Rescue Service. “Because of that, we’re excited to be working with UL FSRI to spread the message far and wide within our communities. Our hope is that closing doors becomes second nature in every household across America, and that we see a dramatic decrease in house fire fatalities as a result.”


UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute (FSRI) advances fire research knowledge and develops cutting edge, practical fire service education aimed at helping firefighters stay safe while more effectively protecting people and property. Guided by a global advisory board comprised of fire service personnel, UL FSRI investigates residential, commercial, and industrial fires through full-scale testing, field-testing, and modeling to replicate actual fires faced by firefighters. Research results are shared through interactive training courses that have reached hundreds of thousands of firefighters globally. To learn more, visit

About UL

UL fosters safe living and working conditions for people everywhere through the application of science to solve safety, security and sustainability challenges. The UL Mark engenders trust enabling the safe adoption of innovative new products and technologies. Everyone at UL shares a passion to make the world a safer place. We test, inspect, audit, certify, validate, verify, advise, and train. We support these efforts with software solutions for safety and sustainability. To learn more about us, visit Read more

Posted: Oct 1, 2018

North Carolina Fire Station Features “Old Town” Character

Beaufort, North Carolina, is a small town established in 1709 and noted as the third oldest town in the state. Its downtown historic district is a blend of Roman and early American architecture, so when the Beaufort Fire Department needed a new fire station, it wanted a structure that fit in with the historic buildings nearby. Beaufort turned to Stewart-Cooper-Newell (SCN) Architects to design a fire station that fulfilled its wishes.

The Beaufort Fire Department traces its roots back to 1866. It’s a combination department currently staffed by 34 firefighters—a mix of full-time, part-time, and volunteers. The department covers 31 square miles and a population of 11,000 and handles 1,200 calls annually from two stations with three engines, a 100-foot tractor-drawn aerial , two tankers, a brush truck, a utility support vehicle, a fireboat, and two command vehicles.

The Beaufort (NC) Fire Department had Stewart-Cooper-Newell (SCN) Architects design and build its new station that has many contemporary features yet evokes an old-time feel that fits with many of the area’s historic buildings. (Photos courtesy of Stewart-Cooper-Newell Architects.)

1 The Beaufort (NC) Fire Department had Stewart-Cooper-Newell (SCN) Architects design and build its new station that has many contemporary features yet evokes an old-time feel that fits with many of the area’s historic buildings. (Photos courtesy of Stewart-Cooper-Newell Architects.)


Larry W. Fulp, Beaufort’s chief, says the new station replaced a building put up in 1968 that was designed to house only one person at a time. “The old station was 5,600 square feet, and half of that space was for truck bays,” Fulp says. “With four firefighters and two administrators on shift, we outgrew the space and looked to replace it for a number of years.”

Jim Stumbo, a principal at SCN, says his firm had done some design work for areas around Beaufort, so the fire department was familiar with its work in the area. “Beaufort sent out a request for proposals for qualifications, reviewed what they received, and we were the one they selected to design a replacement for the station,” Stumbo notes. “They wanted a design that had an old-time feel and character but would still be contemporary. And, they only wanted a single-level station yet wanted it to have the feel of a two-story building.”

SCN accomplished the two-story aesthetic to the new 12,784-square-foot station by building a tall entryway that appears to be two stories as well as by installing small windows over the apparatus bays to give them height and architectural contrast, Stumbo points out. The station has three double-deep, drive-through apparatus bays, with a mezzanine on one side. The station sits at an intersection with the town’s main street, and access to the rear of the station is off the side street.

While Beaufort’s new station is a one-story structure, it has the look and feel of a two-story station through SCN’s design of a tall entry to
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