
WFC News

Posted: Dec 20, 2017

Fire Apparatus Brake System Improvements

Apparatus: the shops Christian P. Koop

I read an article in a recent Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equipment issue written by Chris Daly that compared braking efficiency between passenger cars and fire trucks.

Understanding driver reaction time and the big difference between the stopping distances of these vehicles is very important not only for their driver operators but also for the technicians that repair and service them. If more drivers were properly educated with this important information, perhaps it would reduce the number of accidents emergency response vehicles (ERVs) are involved in and at the same time save lives and reduce department liability.

There have been many changes to modern braking systems, which include antilock or antiskid brake systems (ABS) that most are familiar with. ABS was mandated by the government in the mid 1970s for heavy trucks; however, the early systems were a huge failure, and most were disconnected by the users very quickly because of the problems. I remember this distinctly because, as a technician back in the day, I worked on these systems. The evolution of ABS and other electronic chassis systems, such as rollover stability control, has undoubtedly allowed vast improvements in reducing passenger car, heavy truck, and ERV accidents.

For the most part, those in the industry are very aware of these technological advancements and the positive impact they have had. However, there have also been very important and significant changes in drum and disc brake friction (linings) material over the years and how they function that many may not be aware of and that require changes to service procedures.

Back to Basics

To understand how brakes slow down and stop vehicles, we need to go back to basics. Whether brakes are drum or disc, they are applied by either air pressure in most heavy-duty trucks and some medium-duty trucks or by hydraulic pressure in light-duty trucks, passenger cars, and some medium-duty trucks. Gradually applying the brakes in a moving vehicle forces the disc pads or brake drum shoes against the discs (rotor) or drums. In disc brake systems, brake pads squeeze the rotor in a clamping fashion. In drum brake systems, brake drum shoes are forced against the inside diameter of the drums. The greater pressure the driver applies at the pedal, the more pressure is exerted by the linings against the disc or drum.

As the vehicle slows down, heat is generated between the linings and the discs or drums, and the vehicle is brought to a stop. The energy the moving vehicle had is given off as heat to the atmosphere by the pads or shoes and discs or drums. Now, there is a limit to how much heat the linings and the disc or drum can tolerate. When the heat reaches or exceeds a given threshold, the brakes are no longer effective and cannot slow the vehicle down. This is referred to as brake fade.

Brake Fade

Drivers can experience this phenomenon if the brakes are applied excessively and overheat. For example, brake fade can occur easily in mountainous regions when going down grade. Vehicles that are overweight are candidates for brake fade even on flat terrain. Fire apparatus have notoriously had issues being overweight. I and many others have jokingly referred to this as 10 pounds of stuff in a five-pound bag. Al

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Posted: Dec 20, 2017

Apparatus Water Tanks: What's Under the Hosebed?

Copolymer polypropylene, fiberglass, steel, and stainless steel—there are several choices available to fire departments when it comes to their apparatus water tanks.

In addition to the material they are made of, size and physical dimensions of water tanks also play an important part in the ergonomic design of the vehicle.


Andrew Lingel, president of United Plastic Fabricating Inc. (UPF), says his company makes the Poly-Tank III out of high-impact copolymer polypropylene that is sealed using a Polypro Seal technology. “Water tanks have been getting more complex over the past 10 years,” Lingel points out. “Fire departments are requesting a lot of options and custom features like through-the-tank tunnels for ladders or hard suction hoses and notches for compartments or to run plumbing and wire conduits. We’ve even done notches for backup cameras.”

Tim Dean, president of Pro Poly of America Inc., says that his company has been making water tanks for fire vehicles since 1991 and has produced more than 25,000 water tanks and truck bodies. “We’ve seen the popularity of copolymer polypropylene water tanks take off because they basically are maintenance free,” Dean points out. “They are much lighter than steel and stainless steel tanks and somewhat lighter than fiberglass tanks but are very versatile, durable products that give fire departments the comfort of not dealing with corrosion.”

1 A T-tank is one of the most popular models of water tank made by United Plastic Fabricating (UPF). (Photos 1 and 2 courtesy of United Plastic Fabricating.)  2 This UPF T-tank has a number of notches to accommodate apparatus body features.

1 A T-tank is one of the most popular models of water tank made by United Plastic Fabricating (UPF). (Photos 1 and 2 courtesy of United Plastic Fabricating.) 2 This UPF T-tank has a number of notches to accommodate apparatus body features.

Bill Martin of McClarin Plastics Custom Composites Oklahoma Division, points out that Custom Composites builds copolymer polypropylene and fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) composite water tanks for fire apparatus. “Copolymer polypropylene water tanks have become much more popular in recent years,” Martin notes, “but there are still a lot of fire companies who want the FRP product.”

With an FRP water tank, the key is that there are no seams, Martin says. “FRP is a molded seamless tub,” he says, “that has a bolted-on gasket lid. By contrast, copolymer polypropylene water tanks are made out of a sheet material that is extrusion welded together.”

APR has been doing a lot of work for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and the U.S. Forest Service, Chad Falls, director of sales for APR Plastic Fabrications, Inc., adds, beefing up water tanks on wildland apparatus. “We have stiffened certain areas of their water tanks and spring-mounted others to make them last longer because of the pounding they take in wildland areas,” Falls says. “And, both those organizations want water tanks that save space on the apparatus yet are able to be larger to carry more water.”

Not the Same

Lingel notes that the biggest challenge for water tank manufacturers is that every water tank is different. “We make about 5,000 tanks a year, and about 3,000 o

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Posted: Dec 20, 2017

Apparatus Water Tanks: What's Under the Hosebed?

Copolymer polypropylene, fiberglass, steel, and stainless steel—there are several choices available to fire departments when it comes to their apparatus water tanks.

In addition to the material they are made of, size and physical dimensions of water tanks also play an important part in the ergonomic design of the vehicle.


Andrew Lingel, president of United Plastic Fabricating Inc. (UPF), says his company makes the Poly-Tank III out of high-impact copolymer polypropylene that is sealed using a Polypro Seal technology. “Water tanks have been getting more complex over the past 10 years,” Lingel points out. “Fire departments are requesting a lot of options and custom features like through-the-tank tunnels for ladders or hard suction hoses and notches for compartments or to run plumbing and wire conduits. We’ve even done notches for backup cameras.”

Tim Dean, president of Pro Poly of America Inc., says that his company has been making water tanks for fire vehicles since 1991 and has produced more than 25,000 water tanks and truck bodies. “We’ve seen the popularity of copolymer polypropylene water tanks take off because they basically are maintenance free,” Dean points out. “They are much lighter than steel and stainless steel tanks and somewhat lighter than fiberglass tanks but are very versatile, durable products that give fire departments the comfort of not dealing with corrosion.”

1 A T-tank is one of the most popular models of water tank made by United Plastic Fabricating (UPF). (Photos 1 and 2 courtesy of United Plastic Fabricating.)  2 This UPF T-tank has a number of notches to accommodate apparatus body features.

1 A T-tank is one of the most popular models of water tank made by United Plastic Fabricating (UPF). (Photos 1 and 2 courtesy of United Plastic Fabricating.) 2 This UPF T-tank has a number of notches to accommodate apparatus body features.

Bill Martin of McClarin Plastics Custom Composites Oklahoma Division, points out that Custom Composites builds copolymer polypropylene and fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) composite water tanks for fire apparatus. “Copolymer polypropylene water tanks have become much more popular in recent years,” Martin notes, “but there are still a lot of fire companies who want the FRP product.”

With an FRP water tank, the key is that there are no seams, Martin says. “FRP is a molded seamless tub,” he says, “that has a bolted-on gasket lid. By contrast, copolymer polypropylene water tanks are made out of a sheet material that is extrusion welded together.”

APR has been doing a lot of work for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and the U.S. Forest Service, Chad Falls, director of sales for APR Plastic Fabrications, Inc., adds, beefing up water tanks on wildland apparatus. “We have stiffened certain areas of their water tanks and spring-mounted others to make them last longer because of the pounding they take in wildland areas,” Falls says. “And, both those organizations want water tanks that save space on the apparatus yet are able to be larger to carry more water.”

Not the Same

Lingel notes that the biggest challenge for water tank manufacturers is that every water tank is different. “We make about 5,000 tanks a year, and about 3,000 o

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Posted: Dec 20, 2017

Apparatus Water Tanks: What's Under the Hosebed?

Copolymer polypropylene, fiberglass, steel, and stainless steel—there are several choices available to fire departments when it comes to their apparatus water tanks.

In addition to the material they are made of, size and physical dimensions of water tanks also play an important part in the ergonomic design of the vehicle.


Andrew Lingel, president of United Plastic Fabricating Inc. (UPF), says his company makes the Poly-Tank III out of high-impact copolymer polypropylene that is sealed using a Polypro Seal technology. “Water tanks have been getting more complex over the past 10 years,” Lingel points out. “Fire departments are requesting a lot of options and custom features like through-the-tank tunnels for ladders or hard suction hoses and notches for compartments or to run plumbing and wire conduits. We’ve even done notches for backup cameras.”

Tim Dean, president of Pro Poly of America Inc., says that his company has been making water tanks for fire vehicles since 1991 and has produced more than 25,000 water tanks and truck bodies. “We’ve seen the popularity of copolymer polypropylene water tanks take off because they basically are maintenance free,” Dean points out. “They are much lighter than steel and stainless steel tanks and somewhat lighter than fiberglass tanks but are very versatile, durable products that give fire departments the comfort of not dealing with corrosion.”

1 A T-tank is one of the most popular models of water tank made by United Plastic Fabricating (UPF). (Photos 1 and 2 courtesy of United Plastic Fabricating.)  2 This UPF T-tank has a number of notches to accommodate apparatus body features.

1 A T-tank is one of the most popular models of water tank made by United Plastic Fabricating (UPF). (Photos 1 and 2 courtesy of United Plastic Fabricating.) 2 This UPF T-tank has a number of notches to accommodate apparatus body features.

Bill Martin of McClarin Plastics Custom Composites Oklahoma Division, points out that Custom Composites builds copolymer polypropylene and fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) composite water tanks for fire apparatus. “Copolymer polypropylene water tanks have become much more popular in recent years,” Martin notes, “but there are still a lot of fire companies who want the FRP product.”

With an FRP water tank, the key is that there are no seams, Martin says. “FRP is a molded seamless tub,” he says, “that has a bolted-on gasket lid. By contrast, copolymer polypropylene water tanks are made out of a sheet material that is extrusion welded together.”

APR has been doing a lot of work for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and the U.S. Forest Service, Chad Falls, director of sales for APR Plastic Fabrications, Inc., adds, beefing up water tanks on wildland apparatus. “We have stiffened certain areas of their water tanks and spring-mounted others to make them last longer because of the pounding they take in wildland areas,” Falls says. “And, both those organizations want water tanks that save space on the apparatus yet are able to be larger to carry more water.”

Not the Same

Lingel notes that the biggest challenge for water tank manufacturers is that every water tank is different. “We make about 5,000 tanks a year, and about 3,000 o

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Posted: Dec 20, 2017

How Many Preconnects on Fire Apparatus is Too Many?

FA Viewpoints
Preconnects allow flexibility and a wide choice of options on the fireground.

How Many Preconnects Is Too Many?

Departments preferring static hose loads and reverse lays are not included in this discussion. Their method of firefighting is accepted without comment. Many departments use 1½-, 1¾-, and two-inch preconnects for initial attack, probably flowing less than 200 gallons per minute (gpm). Preconnects allow flexibility and a wide choice of options on the fireground. They’re fast and easy to deploy with limited staffing. Preconnects shouldn’t be limited to attack lines. It is irrelevant if the engine company using them is career-staffed. What is important is the number of firefighters on that first rig and how long it takes for more to arrive.

Two Perspectives

I address preconnects from two perspectives. One is when a real pumper is designed specifically for firefighting where the primary and possibly sole purpose is humping hose. The other is when a multifunction rig is first due and its limited space may be prioritized for nonpumper functions. Rescue-pumpers, tanker-pumpers, or quints might only have a bare minimum of preconnects and supply hose let alone what is recommended, desired, or actually needed. My dissertation is restricted to real pumpers. The quantity, lengths, diameters, flows, and purpose of preconnects should be based on each district’s physical characteristics. Single-story 1,000-square-foot ranch houses and wide residential streets require different tactics than densely populated areas with side-by-side 2½-story wood frames, mixed commercial and industrial areas, narrow streets, and inclement weather (snow).

The Backup Line

In the latter scenario, I prefer a choice of 150-, 200-, and 250-foot preconnected attack lines. My next preference reflects my old-school belief in having preconnected backup lines one size larger flowing at least 250 gpm. If the first line can’t handle it or fireground conditions turn to hell in a handbasket, I don’t want a backup line with the same limited capabilities as the first. The crew could be in trouble and need help. I want big water and I want it fast. Hopefully, the pump operator has already flaked one out on the front lawn and charged it. The 250-gpm line can be used for initial attack when situations warrant. And, there should be more than one.

I don’t always agree with the doctrine that the second line pulled should be an attack line stretched to the floor above the fire. But if that’s your procedure, preconnect it and make sure it’s 50 feet longer than the first one. Bear in mind that it can’t effectively function as a backup line when it’s located above the fire floor.

Preconnect Lengths

If all preconnects are the same length, the initial attack is limited to that distance from the engine. I favor a preconnected “long line” of 200 feet of 2½-inch with a conical reducer and 200 feet of 1¾-inch. The original concept was using a 2½-inch playpipe with the 1¾-inch attached to it. However, the playpipe’s handles impeded stretches, and its bail could get kicked shut as could a leader line wye’s handles. Pump pressure is within reason because of the lower friction loss in the 2½-inch. And, any preconnect can be broken down and used pi

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