
WFC News

Posted: Nov 10, 2016

Gunman shoots into crowd outside downtown Seattle 7-Eleven, injures 5

Two men are in serious condition after a gunman opened fire near a busy bus stop Wednesday night, shooting five people just outside a 7-Eleven. Two of the other three victims, a man and a woman, are in satisfactory condition at Harborview Medical Center. The third victim, a man, has been released from the hospital.
- PUB DATE: 11/10/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: KOMO News
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Posted: Nov 10, 2016

Fire Truck Photo of the Day-4 Guys Rescue Truck

Central Volunteer Fire Company of Elizabeth Township (PA) walk-in rescue. Spartan Gladiator cab and chassis; Cummins ISX15 500-hp engine.

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Posted: Nov 9, 2016

Rockford, Spangle approve levies to fund fire and police services

Levies to fund police, fire and emergency medical services in Rockford and Spangle were winning easily on election night and some added to their lead in a second vote count on Wednesday. The town of Rockford had two levies on the ballot to replace expiring levies, one to fund fire protection services and one to fund emergency medical services.
- PUB DATE: 11/9/2016 8:06:47 PM - SOURCE: Spokane Spokesman-Review
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Posted: Nov 9, 2016

Norwich (VT) Voters Approve Joint Police, Fire Station

Voters on Tuesday approved a $1.4 million bond request to build a new combined fire and police station by a margin of nearly 3 to 1, putting to rest a debate over the improvements that lasted at least a decade.
The margin, 1,561-580, indicated overwhelming public favor after last year's failure of two costlier proposals at the polls.

As approved, the bond would pay for the demolition of the aging police station and the merging of emergency services into one downtown facility of about 5,900 gross square feet.

Town officials estimate that the town portion of residents' property tax rates will increase during the first year of bonding (2019) by less than a penny (.07 cents) per $100 of assessed valuation. That equates to $28.28 on a $400,000 house.

Standing outside the polls on Tuesday evening, Paul Tuhus said he had voted in favor of the bond because improvements for the town's emergency services facilities were long past due.

As it stands, officials and residents in Norwich have been discussing the project for the better part of this century -- since before Robinson joined the department in 2002.

"I think the public is happy because the budget has come down," Selectboard Chairwoman Linda Cook said, referring to the cost of the project. "This has brought the community together to help the two departments be more professional in the look of their buildings."

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Posted: Nov 9, 2016

Cell Tower Proposed at Dundee (OR) Fire Station

Following a Dundee City Council vote last week, negotiations to build a Verizon cell tower adjacent to the Dundee Fire Station will continue. The tower would be located southeast of the fire station, between the new building and the adjacent vacant building, and near the train tracks.
In a letter to the city prior to the council meeting, Meagan Dockter, representing Veri­zon, explained why the new facility is necessary.GARY ALLEN - A lease being negotiated by the city of Dundee would have a Verizon cell tower located on city property next to the Dundee Fire Department.

GARY ALLEN - A lease being negotiated by the city of Dundee would have a Verizon cell tower located on city property next to the Dundee Fire Department.

"Currently Verizon is in need of this tower due to capacity issues," she wrote. "What that means, is that there is an overload of people using their phones in the area and the existing cell towers nearby can no longer keep up with the demand of calls coming in, which leads to dropped calls and slow data usage."

Some of the call volume would be shifted away from the existing tower and transferred to the new one.

"You will find this happening more often as cities and towns grow," Dockter wrote. "You cannot simply continue to update an existing tower after time. You do need to eventually build new ones to accom­modate the increased usage."

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