
WFC News

Posted: Nov 9, 2016

Fire-Dex Recognizes Hometown Hero Jamie Brock

 Fire-Dex Recognizes Hometown Hero Jamie Brock

Fire-Dex representatives, Todd Herring and Jessica Meade, presented the first Fire-Dex Hometown Hero award to volunteer firefighter Jamie Brock, on November 8, 2016. Jamie received a new Fire-Dex helmet and a pair of FDXL-100 Red Leather Fire Boots. Additionally, Fire-Dex will make a $500 donation to the charity of Jamie's choice.

Jamie has served his community in his volunteer firefighter role for more than 30 years. On September 28, 2016, he went above and beyond the call of duty. He heard on his pager of an active shooter at a local school, Townville Elementary School. He immediately rushed to the scene and without hesitation tackled the shooter. He detained the shooter until authorities arrived. His efforts were applauded as likely preventing others from being hurt.

Townville Fire Chief Billy McAdams spoke about how the community is doing after the terrible shooting incident. "We come together as a community as well as a county, state," Chief Billy McAdams said. "We've had a lot of support, a lot of good people helped us. So, tonight is basically the people that responded that day. It's our time to be together."

Join Fire-Dex in congratulating Townville Volunteer Firefighter Jamie Brock, the first recipient of a Fire-Dex Hometown Hero award, for his heroic efforts on that fateful day.

Fire-Dex, headquartered in Medina, Ohio, is a leading manufacturer and marketer of protective firefighting clothing, emergency response apparel, NFPA hoods, helmets, gloves, and boots. Fire-Dex proudly acquired TECGEN PPE in September of 2015, as it's latest addition to the Fire-Dex family of brands. Visit for more information.  

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Posted: Nov 9, 2016

Firetruck Outside Pasadena Polling Station Not Owned By County

A firetruck displaying signs for Republican candidates Donald Trump and Kathy Szeliga outside a polling place at George Fox Middle School in Pasadena on Tuesday is not a county-owned vehicle, a fire department spokesman said. A photo of the firetruck circulated on social media Tuesday morning. Capt.

Capt. Russ Davies said that the firetruck was privately owned by a person known to the department.

The truck also had the name Green Haven Volunteer Fire Department scrawled across the top of it. The Green Haven and Powhatan Beach volunteer fire departments merged into the Armiger Fire Station, Company 30, in 1990, Davies said.

The firetruck marked the second time in less than 24-hours that a vehicle outside polling place raised concerns from community members. On Monday, a vehicle resembling an unmarked police vehicle could be seen outside Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church in Severna Park.

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Posted: Nov 9, 2016

New Airport Fire Station Gets Thumbs-Up from MVC

The new fire station at Martha's Vineyard Airport was unanimously approved by the Martha's Vineyard Commission (MVC) after a development of regional impact (DRI) public hearing on Thursday night, Nov. 3. In addition to housing firefighting equipment, the new 14,674-square-foot building will house snow-removal equipment, administration offices, meeting space, and temporary living quarters.

The two-story building will have cedar shingles and a dull gray metal roof.

MVC executive director Adam Turner said the project has been in the works for five years, and the upgrade from the recently demolished fire station was required by the Federal Aviation Administration.

“It’s a beautiful building that fits our needs and fits into the community,” airport manager Ann Crook said. “This will bring us into compliance with FAA regulations, and allow us quicker and safer response … We don’t have dedicated firefighters on our staff, we have a cross-trained staff, so they mow the airfield, do snowplowing, fuel the aircraft, and if there’s an incident, they put on their gear and report as firefighters. We are staffed 24/7, 365. Those people are always doing something. Those beds will be used for naps between long shifts, or if someone is sick, but they will not be full-time housing.”

Ms. Crook said the construction will not cost Island taxpayers a dime: “Ninety percent will be covered by a grant from the FAA, 5 percent by state grants, and 5 percent will come from airport revenues.”

“This is an absolute no-brainer,” West Tisbury commissioner Doug Sederholm said. “There are no detriments.”

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Posted: Nov 9, 2016

Man Seeks Funding for Columbus Firefighting Museum

COLUMBUS - A Columbus man is seeking lodging tax funding to help turn a former automotive dealership garage into a museum for firefighting equipment. "When we're done, this will look like a fire station," Dennis Hirschbrunner told the Columbus Telegram while standing outside the downtown building.

The exterior will be repaired and painted a rusty red and oak doors resembling those on a carriage house will replace the overhead doors, he said.

Four vintage firetrucks already are being stored in the building. Among them is a 1947 American LaFrance pumper that the Columbus department put up for auction in 2013. Hirschbrunner and his friend, Fred Hoppe, combined to buy it for $3,000.

"There is a sentimental attachment to it because my dad and brother were both in the fire department," said Hirschbrunner, who's a semiretired engineer and whose grandfather helped start the volunteer department.

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Posted: Nov 9, 2016

Man Breaks into Stockton Fire Station

STOCKTON -- An intruder broke into the Stockton Fire station on West Sonora Street through a window early Monday morning, trying to get away with some electronics and firefighting gear, according to Stockton Police and the Fire Department. He was confronted by a station employee and ran away after making threatening statements toward that employee, authorities said.

Firefighters chased the suspect. Police joined in the chase shortly afterward and arrested him.

He has been identified as 23-year-old Jamal Davis, a homeless man.

The department's equipment was recovered.

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