
WFC News

Posted: Oct 25, 2016

Ridewell Offers Factory Integrated Air Tank for RSS-233 Suspensions

 Ridewell Offers Factory Integrated Air Tank for RSS-233 Suspensions

Ridewell Suspensions now offers a pre-plumbed, factory integrated air tank kit option for the self-steering RSS-233 8K, 10K, and 13K suspension systems. The integrated tank only requires a connection to the primary air supply, regulated air supply (30-120 psi), and service brake control line to complete vehicle installation.

The kit includes a 1,300-cubic-inch air tank and a pressure protection valve (PPV). A 30 amp relay for lift in reverse operation, pigtail and high flow Lift Axle Control Module (LACM) are included to remove the need for an air control kit enclosure.

A pressure gauge, pressure regulator and hoses for primary air supply connections to complete vehicle installation can be purchased separately to be shipped with the suspension.

Ridewell manufactures suspensions for the truck, trailer, bus, and RV industries worldwide. For more information, contact Ridewell Suspensions, P.O. Box 4586, Springfield, MO 65808. Phone: 800.641.4122,



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Posted: Oct 25, 2016

Globe Announces Round 4 Recipients in Gear Giveaway Program

Globe, DuPont Protection Solutions (DuPont), and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) have announced the latest round of winners in the 2016 Globe Gear Giveaway. This is the fifth year that Globe has partnered with DuPont and the NVFC to provide volunteer departments with critically needed sets of turnout gear. The Northwest Washington Volunteer Fire Company in Salem, IN, and the Sylvia-Yellow Creek Volunteer Fire Department in Dickson, TN, will each be outfitted with four sets of new, state-of-the-art Globe turnout gear.
“We are pleased to announce two more recipients in the 2016 Globe Gear Giveaway,” said NVFC Chairman Kevin D. Quinn. “Compliant, correctly-fitting gear is paramount to keeping boots-on-the-ground firefighters safe as they work to protect our communities, yet many resource-constrained departments struggle with providing adequate gear to their first responders. We thank Globe and DuPont for their generosity and dedication to the safety and well-being of firefighters throughout the U.S. and Canada.”
To be eligible to apply, departments had to be all-volunteer or mostly-volunteer, serve a population of 25,000 or less, be legally organized in the U.S. or Canada, and be a member of the NVFC. To help departments meet this last requirement, Globe sponsored NVFC Department Memberships for the first 500 applicants.

The Northwest Washington Volunteer Fire Company serves a 44-square-mile area in southern Indiana. After seeing a 25 percent increase in structure fires and a 50 percent increase in brush fires over the last few years, they enacted a recruitment campaign which increased their staffing from four to 11 firefighters. Most of their annual budget is spent on insurance, so they requested donated gear from other area departments to outfit their new volunteers – and traveled hundreds of miles to pick up the donations. Although they were able to get sets for everyone, all of the gear is more than 10 years old with most more than 15 years old. Most of their turnout pants have fraying threads, broken zippers, and damaged knee pads. The coats have the department names and last names of the previous owners. Despite these limitations, they work hard to serve their community, organizing events such as a township clean-up day and children’s toy drive.

“We take pride and care in what we have,” said Assistant Fire Chief William Slusser. “But we know that with up-to-date PPE, we will still see an increase in volunteerism and morale among our current members.”

The Sylvia-Yellow Creek Volunteer Fire Department is a small department in a very rural section of Dickson County, TN. The department was formed in 1998; by 2012 it was on the verge of having to shut down due to lack of member support and funds. With new leadership, the department has revived and has increased from two members in 2013 to 16 members in 2016. The new membership has been hard at work, launching an annual smoke detector campaign, hosting fundraisers, and receiving an Insurance Service Office rating, which saves local homeowners an average of $200 a year on their insurance premium. Unfortunately, they only have 10 sets of turnout gear for their 16 active members. Seven of those sets are more than 10 years old and are worn and mismatched.

“Whether we make one call or 100, the safety of our firefighters is our number one priority,” said Chief Donald Tinsley. The four sets of new, compliant Globe gear will go far in increasing the safety of the department’s firefighters.

Additional awards through the Globe Gear Giveaway will be made monthly throughout 2016. A total of 52 sets of gear will be distributed to departments in need. Stay tuned to the NVFC web site, Dispatch newsletter, and page on Facebook, as well as the Globe page on Facebook, for additional information and announcements regarding the Globe Gear Giveaway.

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Posted: Oct 25, 2016

Two Vancouver houses damaged in morning fires

Two Vancouver houses were damaged in blazes that firefighters said played out similarly Tuesday morning. Crews were first called to 7209 Indiana Street at about 1:30 a.m. and arriving firefighters saw a fully involved garage fire at the single-story house, Vancouver Fire Department Firefighter Joe Spatz said.
- PUB DATE: 10/25/2016 11:31:36 AM - SOURCE: Vancouver Columbian
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Posted: Oct 25, 2016

Longview Fire Station Mold Removal Continues

Work continues to restore a Longview fire station where mold was discovered two months ago. Fire Chief J.P. Steelman said the station's roof has been repaired and interior remediation is complete at Fire Station No. 5, at 102 W. Niblick Avenue. Mold was discovered Aug.

Mold was discovered Aug. 23 behind vinyl wallpaper in the fire station when the wallpaper began to peel. The next day, the city moved fire crews from the station. On Aug. 25, Tyler-based ERI Consulting conducted a mold assessment and discovered about 300 square feet of mold growth behind the wallpaper on various walls throughout the building, as well as on one ceiling tile in a storage room, according to information from the Longview Professional Firefighters Association.

Firefighters assigned to Station No. 5 have been moved to temporary housing near the permanent station until repairs are completed.

Steelman said the city was researching how to make exterior modifications to the station. Interior restorations are still pending, he said.

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Posted: Oct 25, 2016

Sheppton-Oneida Welcomes New Fire Apparatus with Parade

The house alarm at Sheppton-Oneida Volunteer Fire Company bayed loudly from the front of the fire station in East Union Township as firefighters in dress uniforms climbed aboard their company's fire apparatus Saturday afternoon. Fire companies from Luzerne, Schuylkill and Columbia counties participated in a parade throughout the township to celebrate Sheppton-Oneida firefighters receiving three new pieces of equipment to protect residents.

The moan of the alarm was a signal for first responders to get into their vehicles and line up behind East Union Township police to begin the parade.

A spectacle of lights and sirens from fire trucks and other vehicles in the procession lit up the rural township’s neighborhoods, while some firefighters and guests stood by at the fire station waiting for the parade’s return.

It was a special day and a special parade for Sheppton-Oneida firefighters who were welcoming in roughly $375,000 worth of equipment they received this year through grants and generous donations and Saturday was the official welcoming in or “housing” ceremony for the new fleet.

The fire company’s garage bays were open, music coming from inside where guests could grab a bite to eat, a drink or make a donation by buying a T-shirt, mug or raffle ticket. Spectators lined up along Route 924 (Center Street in Sheppton) near the station to watch the firefighter’s parade go by.

Fire Chief Kyle Mummey said he never heard of a fire company having a triple housing before as pricey fire apparatus are difficult for companies to buy.

He said he couldn’t stress the important role the community’s generosity played in purchasing the equipment.

“The community’s been very good to us,” Mummey said, commenting that the arrival of all three new pieces makes it an early Christmas for firefighters at the station.

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