
WFC News

Posted: Nov 2, 2016

Forklift at Spokane Valley business sparks fire

Spokane Valley firefighters worked to put out a fire at a business near Trent and Barker Wednesday evening. The fire started at Vandermeer Forest Products around 5:30 p.m. Crews say a forklift that uses propane caught fire. There was an explosion that blew three doors off of a nearby building. Fortunately no one was inside the building at the time and no injuries were reported.
- PUB DATE: 11/2/2016 6:48:19 PM - SOURCE: KHQ-TV NBC 6
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Posted: Nov 2, 2016

Blue Ridge Summit (PA) VFD Receives $54K Grant

Members of the Blue Ridge Fire and Rescue celebrated a $54,260 assistance to firefighter grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency with U.S. Congressman Bill Shuster and Washington Township staff. The grant will go toward updating equipment to keep them safe in any environment where there is a live burning fire, according to Jim Meek, the chief of the department.
The protective clothing that is worn into a fire has a shelf life of 10 years and after that it needs to be replaced. Equipment isn't cheap. A full suit for an individual firefighter is around $2,600 which means departments either have to find the money to replace the equipment or pull firefighters out of service, according to Meek.

Regulations make firefighting an expensive proposition, but in the long run the increased safety makes it worth it for the people on the front lines.

Shuster was a member of Congress who pushed for the legislation. He said he has to make sure that money from the grants is dispersed to places that need the money and where it can have the largest impact.

"In small communities like this it's more important that tax dollars from D.C. are coming home," said Shuster.

He also said that making sure that small community fire departments are up-to-date with their equipment is important on a national level. Any disaster from a hurricane to a terrorist attack requires people in nearby communities to help and the community that sends their emergency crews will usually also need help in their own community. This can create a chain that ends up pulling from departments far away from the site of the disaster as back-up.

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Posted: Nov 2, 2016

Three Hurt After Ambulance Crashes, Rolls over in Armstrong County (PA)

An ambulance traveling this morning along Iron Bridge Road in South Buffalo crashed and rolled over, sending two employees and a patient that was onboard the ambulance to the hospital. A supervisor with the Armstrong County emergency dispatch center said the incident happened at 10:49 a.m. at 187 Iron Bridge Road.
Armstrong County 911 dispatchers say a medical helicopter was initially thought to be necessary, but wasn't called after crews responded on the ground to the crash in South Buffalo Township.

A dispatch supervisor couldn't say whether the patient in the ambulance was being transported during an emergency call or was simply being moved for another reason. The others injured in the crash were the driver and another ambulance employee.

The extent of their injuries wasn't immediately clear and authorities didn't release the names of the victims.

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Posted: Nov 2, 2016

SUV Driver Cited in Accident Involving Boston Fire Apparatus

Authorities have cited the driver who was hit by a Boston firetruck in a dramatic Back Bay collision Monday, according to a Boston police report, which alleges that the man failed to stop for the emergency vehicle crew as it rushed to the scene of an alarm.
The report released Tuesday does not identify the driver of the Chevrolet Equinox SUV involved in the crash at Dartmouth Street and Commonwealth Avenue. But the report lays out the details of the incident that injured him along with four firefighters on Engine 7.

According to police, the driver told police he stopped at a red light at the intersection, where he heard a siren but did not see emergency vehicles.

"He thought they were behind him so he pulled into the intersection to make way when he was struck by BFD fire engine," the report said.

The driver of the fire truck, which had its lights and siren on, told investigators he saw the SUV drive slowly into the intersection. He said he tried to avoid a collision, but the vehicle "did not stop and drove into his path," police said.

Boston police issued a civil citation to the driver, but did not name him because he is the victim of an accident and is not charged with a crime.

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Posted: Nov 2, 2016

Colorado Springs (CO) Fire Apparatus Involved in Accident

Firefighters on the way to a possible fire found themselves involved in a call of their own after their fire truck was hit by a car Wednesday morning. The truck was heading for the Citadel Mall to check out a fire alarm that had gone off.
Police said that both the fire engine and another car were trying to turn right from Circle onto Platte. The car failed to yield to the fire truck and caused them to collide.

No one involved in the crash was hurt. A reporter at the scene says there was very minimal damage to the fire truck.

The driver in the car was ticketed for failing to yield to an emergency vehicle, as well as for driving without a license or insurance.

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