
WFC News

Posted: Oct 31, 2016

Pine Township (IN) Firefighters Show Off New Fire Apparatus

Firefighters and officers of the Pine Township Volunteer Fire Company welcomed area residents on Sunday to an open house event and the informal unveiling of two new trucks that have been added to the department's apparatus fleet.
Firefighters conducted a vehicle rescue demonstration after erecting tents to ward off the rainfall, and gave fire station tours, truck rides, fire prevention and fire extinguisher instructions, provided activities and gift bags for children and served refreshments at the event.

The department bought a used 2001 Ford F450 pickup truck, stripped it, repainted and refurbished it and equipped it for fighting brush fires, assisting in rescues and transporting manpower. They also financed the purchase of a Pierce Lance firetruck that serves as Rescue/Engine 571. Both trucks were placed in service in August.

Pine Township firefighters are raising funds for the truck at weekly bingo games and sub sandwich sales on the second Saturday of each month. The department also plans a meat raffle on Nov. 19 with packaged hams, turkeys, sausage and bacon being offered at $1 a ticket. Pine Township fire officials say a gun raffle and cash raffle are planned in the spring for the fundraising efforts.

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Posted: Oct 31, 2016

Detroit Fire Department Rolls Out Three New Fire Apparatus Ahead of Angels' Night

The Detroit Fire Department is rolling out with three new fire trucks, in time for Angels' Night. The newest truck is stationed at Engine 9. Deputy Commissioner David Fornell of the Detroit Fire Department said, "These new rigs are an asset to the fleet."
The three fire trucks cost the city $550,000.

"They are not cheap but they are made specifically to Detroit specifications, so a lot more heavy duty than other fire trucks."

Most major cities replace their fire trucks every five years. There are some trucks with the Detroit Fire Department that are 10 years old. Fire officials say they have plans to make sure the equipment will be updated.

"We have new squad trucks, new ladder trucks, there will be some more engines, more ambulances, and all that is on order now," he said.

Fornell says they're looking ahead to the future to make sure the firefighters are always working with top notch equipment.

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Posted: Oct 31, 2016


The FY 2016 AFG Open Application Period is now open through 5PM ET NOVEMBER 18

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Posted: Oct 31, 2016

Reimbursements for Providing Fire Services to Your Schools

Based on information provided by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), the biennial Washington State Budget includes an amount for OSPI to cover Fire Services provided to schools. In July of each year, OSPI calculates a per student rate for fire services. 

To calculate this, OSPI takes the annual School Fire Services budget and divides it by the number of preschool through grade 12 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) students reported to them. The resulting per student rate is then multiplied by the number of students each school certified to OSPI to determine the school’s annual Fire Services revenue. 

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Posted: Oct 31, 2016

Hurst Jaws of Life® Adds Anthony Morabito as Northeast Regional Sales Manager

HURST Jaws of Life, Inc., an industry-leading global manufacturer of rescue tools, has added Anthony Morabito as northeast regional sales manager. A volunteer firefighter for more than 20 years, Morabito’s experience ranges from end-user expertise to almost 12 years as a HURST dealer.

“Anthony is the best of both worlds,” said Mike Canon, director of rescue sales for HURST Jaws of Life, Inc. “He has extensive experience not only in the field, but also at the dealer level. It’s this unique combination of fire service, sales and repair that makes him an invaluable member of our sales team. We look forward to learning a lot from him.”

Morabito comes to HURST from Firematic, where he worked as a dealer specializing in repairs, teaching HURST tool classes, airbag classes, and bailout system training. He also served as a terminal manager for an armored car company for 13 years. As a volunteer firefighter, Morabito held every rank from second lieutenant to chief as well as numerous certifications, and was nationally certified as a level 2 fire service instructor.

Morabito is most proud of his HURST Green Cross program patch, which he received in recognition of an early morning extrication of three teenagers; he was an assistant fire chief at the time.

For more information on Hurst, please visit

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