
WFC News

Posted: Oct 31, 2016

Ambulance Hits Boy Who Darted Into Brooklyn Street

An ambulance knocked a 10-year-old boy to the ground after he ran into a Brooklyn street Friday, officials said. The boy, who was not hurt in the collision, had darted between cars into the street at Blake and Howard Aves. in Brownsville when the FDNY ambulance struck him about 2:40 p.m., officials said.

The ambulance had its lights and sirens on and was responding to a report of a injured patient when it struck the child.

The boy was brought to Brookdale University Hospital but escaped serious injury officials said. 

The ambulance only made "light contact" with the boy, who fell to the ground but was basically unscathed, said Local 2507 union head Israel Miranda. 

"We're happy to say all the worst outcomes were avoided and this was dee

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Posted: Oct 31, 2016

Sacramento (KY) Receives $500k CDBG Grant for New Fire Station

A new fire station is on the horizon for the city of Sacramento. Recently, the Department for Local Government had approved funding for a $500,000 Community Development Block Grant for the city that will be used to construct a new fire station in the community.

The city is seeking a .47-mill, 20-year tax for a $6.1 million bond. The cost for a resident with a $100,000 market value home is $23.50 a year. The request would generate $440,000 in its first year if passed.

For the first time since the request came before voters, a citizens committee is trying to get the millage passed. The group, Friends of the Fire Station, is led by the previous fire chief and Monroe resident Manuel Hoskins.

“We have been trying to get the word out about the need for a new station,” Mr. Hoskins said. “We’ve heard people say they don’t want their kids to be in debt, but the fire station is going to have to be built.”

Mr. Hoskins served as chief for 2½ years. He says he understands the need for the new station and, as a taxpayer, he understands residents’ concerns, too.

“People who drive by think it looks good, that it is fine the way it is,” he said. “And it does look fine from the outside, but you have to come in and see the issues.”

City voters turned down a similar request in August 1,197-1,309.

The Central Fire Station, 75 Scott St., was built in 1966. Officials said the structure has had its problems since shortly after it was built, including issues with the roof.

Now, firefighters are no longer able to use their sleeping quarters because of mold problems. Instead, they are sleeping in a common room that has been converted.

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Posted: Oct 31, 2016

Northern Illinois District Donates Truck to Vergennes Fire Department

VERGENNES - Sometimes it's the little things that make life sweeter. Other times, it's the big things - like a donated emergency response truck to a little village living on a tight budget. The Byron Fire Protection District board gifted that truck on Friday to the Vergennes Fire Department in an exchange that took place at the Walmart parking lot in Carbondale.

It was a five-hour haul for Byron Fire Protection District board member Jeff Bain to Carbondale. But Bain said he didn’t mind the trip south. He used it as an excuse to work in a visit with his daughter who lives in Pinckneyville. Bain said he’s familiar with the region because after his daughter attended SIU, she married a man from Southern Illinois and stayed.

Bain, a retired Illinois state trooper who serves on the board in Byron, which neighbors Rockford, said it feels good to help out a fire district in need. That northern community used the 1995 truck for its dive response team that is called to water-related emergencies. The fire district recently purchased an upgraded truck. Then, the board engaged in discussions about whether it should sell the truck or donate it, he said. 

“We were more prone to give it away to help out another fire department that isn’t as fortunate as us," he said. 

Bain said the Byron Fire Protection District has a budget in the millions, thanks in large part to the Exelon-owned nuclear power plant that is located just outside the city limits in unincorporated Ogle County, but within the taxing district of the fire board. 

In making its decision, Bain said that board members recognized that there are many departments with needs throughout the state, but they really wanted it to go to a small department that is truly financially struggling. The type of truck donated costs about a quarter-million dollars purchased new, he said.

The budget for the all-volunteer fire department in Vergennes is only about $8,000, said Trish Sherman, who is a volunteer firefighter and emergency medical responder, as well as the office manager for the Village of Vergennes. She said this will be the newest truck the village owns. Other vehicles they own date back to the 1970s and 1980s, she said. Without the generation donation of Byron's fire district, Vergennes would not have been able to afford this truck, she said. 

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Posted: Oct 31, 2016

St. John's County (FL) Fire Rescue Gets Hackney Hazmat Tractor-Trailer Rig

By Alan M. Petrillo

After September 11, 2001, St. John's County (FL) Fire Rescue acquired a lot of hazmat equipment because it's a state-deployable resource, one of five hazmat teams in its region. But in order to haul all the equipment it needed for hazmat calls, the department used a Ford F-550 pulling a fifth-wheel trailer set up as a hazmat unit, as well as several other vehicles for the equipment overflow. "We wanted to consolidate our hazardous materials response into one resource that could respond to an incident without having a parade moving down the highway," observes Brian Mitzell, the captain of hazmat special operations for St. John's County. "We did a ton of research based on what our needs would be and what we wanted to consolidate in a single vehicle. We found that the tractor-trailer model allowed us the most space and room."

Mitzell says St. John's County Fire Rescue chose VT Hackney Inc. to build the hazmat unit. "The entire process took 18 months before we went to final specs, and we identified Hackney as the best choice to meet our needs," he points out. “We visited other agencies in Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina that ran Hackney hazmat vehicles and went with Hackney through our purchasing department and the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA)—a cooperative purchasing system of vendors available to states and municipalities."

The Hackney hazmat rig for St. John's is a Freightliner M2-112 tractor with seating for four firefighters, powered by a Cummins 370-horsepower engine with a vertical exhaust and an Allison 3000 EVS automatic transmission with a 201-inch wheelbase. The fifth-wheel trailer has a 309.25-inch wheelbase, is 55.6 feet long, and carries a 25-kilowatt power takeoff (PTO) generator with a 100-amp, 240-VAC umbilical connector with the tractor, and a V-MUX multiplexed electrical system with an LCD color control center on the cab console with graphic overhead depiction of open doors, deployed lights, camera tower, and awnings.

The tractor-trailer also has all Whelen LED warning lights, a Whelen Ultra Freedom LED light bar and integrated brow light, eight Whelen LED 12-volt scene lights (three each side, two at rear), two Whelen Max Spot/Flood LED tripod lights on the front, Whelen LED compartment recessed light strips, and a rear backup color camera.

In addition, the hazmat trailer carries a 32-inch LED television/monitor integrated to a low-lux color video camera mounted on top of a Will-Burt NightScan light tower with four FRC 1,500-watt flood lights, a 50-amp shore-power-to-trailer breaker panel and 100-amp transfer switch to power trailer systems from generator or shore power, a WeatherPak push-up pole, two Hannay 240-VAC cord reels with 200 feet of 10/4 yellow cable connection to a four-outlet distribution box with four outlets, a Hannay electric rewind utility air hose reel with 150 feet of 3/8-inch hose, and a 4.4-cubic-foot refrigerator.

Ed Smith, Hackney's director of the emergency vehicles group, says the special requirements that St. John's County Fire Rescue had were "unique, but not unusual." Smith notes, "That's what we designed our hazmat trailer for. They wanted to carry a 4WD all terrain vehicle (ATV) in th

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Posted: Oct 31, 2016

More money means more firefighters coming to Central Pierce Fire & Rescue

A $2.2 million grant will enable Central Pierce Fire & Rescue to hire 10 firefighters and return staffing to what it once was. The department plans to hire another five firefighters. “We’re trying to get back to where we once were,” Assistant Chief Guy Overby said. Years ago, Central Pierce had 250 uniformed personnel.
- PUB DATE: 10/31/2016 1:51:19 AM - SOURCE: Tacoma News Tribune
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