
WFC News

Posted: Sep 27, 2016

Fire Truck Photo of the Day-

Delhi (LA) Fire Department MVP heavy rescue-pumper. Cinder cab and chassis; Cummins ISL9 450-hp engine; Hale Qmax 1,750-gpm pump.

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Posted: Sep 27, 2016

Taking a look into the history of the Yakima Fire Department

Yakima Fire Department has certainly fought plenty of historic fires in the past, but they've done a lot more than fight fires over the years. Reporter Haley Gibbs spoke to a firefighter who actually created a documentary to show new firefighters and the public just what they bring to the table. "It's a department that's over 125 years old, that's pretty, pretty impressive," said Alex Langbell, Training Captain for YFD.
- PUB DATE: 9/27/2016 6:06:16 PM - SOURCE:
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Posted: Sep 27, 2016

Ambulance Collides with Road Divider in Middletown (NJ)

An ambulance ran head-on into a divider in the Leonardo section of the township on Sunday, injuring five people and crumbling parts of the cement road structure, police said.
The vehicle from Leonardo First Aid collided into the divider, located at Thompson Avenue and Route 36 around 2:10 p.m., said Detective Lt. Paul Bailey of the Middletown Township Police Department. Bailey said the ambulance was one of the involved vehicles but did not provide further details on other cars that might have been involved in the incident.

The five injured people were taken to Riverview Medical Center in Red Bank, Bailey said. The incident remains under investigation.

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Posted: Sep 27, 2016

Burlington (WI) Hope to Purchase New Training Facility

The Town of Burlington Fire Department and City of Burlington Fire Department are raising money to invest in a proposed emergency training facility for the west end of the county. A new training facility would allow the department to train in various fire scenarios, EMS situations, hazmat training, and specialized training such as high-angle rope scenarios.
Currently, the two departments rent spaces or train in buildings scheduled to be razed. The nearest training facility with some of what the Burlington departments are considering is located at the Kansasville fire station.

Though the blueprints for the facility have not been finalized, the hope is to get a three-story facility with a tower portion to use for training exercises.

The City of Burlington Fire Department’s two assistant chiefs, Erich Kurth and Eric Jones, are leading the project for the department.

Fundraising is another issue yet to be determined. The City of Burlington Volunteer Firefighters Association voted to allow the funds raised at a pancake breakfast hosted at the City of Burlington Fire Department Sunday to go toward the facility. The cost of the facility is not yet known.

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Posted: Sep 27, 2016

Boston FD Hosts Demo for Radiation Equipment

The Boston Fire Department's special operations unit held a demonstration event Tuesday at their Brighton warehouse, showing a group of area police and firefighters how to use the latest equipment in radiation detection, officials said.
First responders from several nearby communities -- like Chelsea, Everett, Somerville, and Brookline -- went to the demonstration and spoke with the equipment vendor, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Dennis Costin, the chief of the Boston fire department's special operations unit, said.

Representatives from Thermo Fisher Scientific were on hand to answer questions from the officials, Costin said.

The equipment addresses radiation detection, Costin said, and the event didn't include other technology that helps identify bombs or other dangerous items.

"The biggest concern with radiation is you can't see it, so if the bad guys" mix it with something like an ordinary explosive, Costin said, it augments the danger posed to citizens and is hard to detect without equipment.

The equipment featured at the event included items the Boston fire department already has, like "PRDs," or personal radiation detectors. The firefighters on Costin's special operations unit wear the detectors on their hips at all times. The devices let the firefighter know when there's noticeable radiation present.

"In any city, you're always going to get a certain amount of hits [of radiation]," Costin said. "So it's about learning what's natural, or what's already there, and what shouldn't be there."

There were also backpacks that the department uses to scan venues before large events.

Costin said the unit would use the backpacks a few days before an event like the Esplanade fireworks, so when a firefighter reports a hit in a certain location, Costin can tell him or her it's natural and was detected before the event started.

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