YPSILANTI, MI - The largest city-owned solar panel installation will be built on top of the Ypsilanti Fire Department, 525 W. Washington. When complete, the panels will produce 50 kilowatts of power, or 72 percent of the department's energy.
It will also bump Ypsilanti's total solar watt production to 1,078,825 watts, or 54.5 watts per capita, which is good for the 16th most in the nation, according to Environment America.
The 176-panel array will cost around $59,000 and be installed on top of the station at 525 W. Michigan Ave. That will be covered by a $25,000 anonymous donation and approximately $34,000 from the city's energy efficiency and conservation fund. Officials are expecting savings of at least $6,424 annually, and the project will likely be paid off within five years.
"This is a tremendous project and a great savings to taxpayers. Nowhere else do we get that kind of rate of return on investment," said Council Member Dan Vogt. At its Sept. 20 meeting, council unanimously approved allotting funds.
The city is partnering with Solar Ypsi's Dave Strenski to put the project together. His group promotes solar energy and offers real time reporting on Ypsilanti's solar production.