
WFC News

Posted: Sep 11, 2016

Reflecting on the 15th Anniversary of September 11, 2001

By Chris Mc Loone

It is hard not to look inward every year when September 11 arrives and think about how that day and the ensuing years have impacted our daily lives. It seems that we habitually block anniversaries into multiples of different numbers. On 9/11/06, one television network replayed its coverage from that day uniterrupted as we recognized the five-year anniversary. On 9/11/11, we marked the 10th anniversary of this tragedy, and now we have arrived at the 15th anniversary.

"Never Forget" is what we have all pledged to do both as the nation and as the fire service. September 11, 2001, was the first time many experienced an event like this—an attack by an enemy on American soil. Many were too young to understand the significance, and thousands of children have been born since. These children will hopefully never know what it feels like to experience this type of attack.

It's up to us, really, to instill in our children and the children with whom we interact why September 11, 2001, is so significant. Personally I was glad that, as I watched a program regarding this 15th anniversary, my kids peppered me with questions about that day.

Fifteen years have come and gone very quickly. Memories and specifics of that day for many do fade, but anyone who experienced that day will never forget. The challenge for us is to ensure those who have come and will continue to come after us never forget. How we never forget will be different for everyone.

For many, the pain lives with them every day for having experienced it and its aftermath in New York, New York; Washington, D.C.; or Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Hundreds live with illnesses related to the work they did trying to save lives—trying to save brother and sister firefighters, law enforcement officers, and citizens. And, we add to the growing list of those who have died from these illnesses every year.

The video embedded here captures an important aspect of September 11, 2001. For those who did not experience the day, they must understand how what happened on one coast 15 years ago continues to impact our citizens today. You do not have to have been in New York, Washington, D.C., or Shanksville, Pennsylvania, to be connected to those who were there. Its effects are far reaching and are beyond the fire service. The United States of America lost thousands of people. To say it was a horrible day is understating it. In the days that followed, however, the United States of America proved why it is the greatest country on earth. There is no holding us down. We hurt from that day, and that hurt will never go away. We were wounded, and this wound may never completely heal. But, we have never stopped recovering, learning, growing, and pressing on. We will never forget, but also remember that as the fire service, we are in one of the best positions to ensure that those who follow us also never forget.

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Posted: Sep 10, 2016

Eastside Fire and Rescue, Issaquah investigate perfluorinated chemicals found in soil sample

A soil sample taken from the site of Eastside Fire and Rescue headquarters showed a detection of perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), which have been found recently in several local water wells, the city of Issaquah announced Thursday. The soil samples were taken by a water system consultant the city of Issaquah hired to study potential sources of the PFCs.
- PUB DATE: 9/10/2016 1:47:17 AM - SOURCE: Issaquah & Summamish Reporter
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Posted: Sep 9, 2016

Mississippi Firefighter Killed, Two Injured in Apparatus Rollover

MERIDIAN, Miss. (WJTV) — A firefighter is dead, and two others are fighting for their lives after their fire truck rolled over Friday morning in Meridian.

Authorities said the accident happened around 9 a.m on Old Eighth Street.

Coroner Clayton Cobler said the name of the firefighter who died has not been released.

Officials tell WJTV that the the firefighters were responding to fire when the accident happened. The fire truck left the road and rolled over.

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Posted: Sep 9, 2016

Paducah Fire Chief Releases Statement on Fire Truck Collision

Paducah Fire Chief Steve Kyle released a statement Thursday after a fire truck was involved in a collision with a car in the intersection of Hinkleville Road and James Sanders Boulevard the day before.

"Yesterday, the Paducah Fire Department had a fire apparatus involved in a motor vehicle collision at the intersection of Hinkleville Road and James Sanders Boulevard.  With this unfortunate circumstance, we are thankful that the passengers in the car did not sustain life-threatening injuries and that our crew was not injured.  We are also thankful that the crew involved in the collision was able to immediately start rendering care to the passengers in the other vehicle.   

Since that time, we have reviewed the statements and crash footage and determined that the driver of the fire apparatus acted with “due regard” as outlined in KRS 189.940 and consistent with state training standards.  The apparatus’ emergency lights were illuminated, the siren was being continuously sounded during the response, and it slowed down as necessary for the safety of traffic allowing the fire truck to proceed with due regard through the intersection.  We regret this unfortunate incident occurred as we hold the safety of all citizens as our highest priority."

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Posted: Sep 9, 2016

Lincoln County Fire Station No. 1 Ups Rescue Response with New Truck

STANFORD – When the Lincoln County Fire Department recently evaluated it’s rescue performance, Lincoln Fire Station No. 1 found there was a need for more space when it came to technical rescue operations and transporting the large equipment needed for it – a problem solved by the station’s new Rescue 1 truck. 

One scenario in which a technical rescue operation might be needed would be if a building collapsed and victims were trapped inside of a weakened structure, according to Capt. John Hasty. 

“It’s not safe for us to just go into a residence that’s weakened at some point to pull somebody out,” he said.

That’s a main reason behind the station’s focus on building collapse response and with the new truck, Hasty said they can accomplish a lot more when it comes to technical rescue. 

“Our concern is that in the county there is no type of trench rescue, no type of building collapse. We do small-scale stuff but we don’t do any type of high-angle and that’s stuff we need to focus on,” Hasty said.

“Now we can pursue that now that we have the bigger truck and we’re able to carry double the amount of equipment so we can better advance our rescue operations.

Hasty said the station plans to beef up equipment for building collapse, trench rescue and rope rescue. 

“We currently do low-angle rope rescue but we’d like to take that a little further and start doing high-angle rescue in the county,” he said. 

Technical rope rescue is broken down into three parts – low, steep and high angle rescue – all determined by the degree of slope in rescue situations. 

Station No. 1 firefighters got a chance to practice their building collapse skills for the first time this year during a recent mock tornado drill at the fairgrounds. 

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