ANN ARBOR, MI - Ann Arbor's firefighters are getting some new gear and a new set of wheels for responding to fires. The City Council voted unanimously at its last meeting to approve the $659,897 purchase of a new truck with a 75-foot aerial ladder from the Smeal Fire Apparatus Co., plus another $90,000 for turnout gear.
The fire department will be getting a 2016 Smeal Metro Star model rear-mount aerial "quint," which is described as an apparatus that provides versatility in firefighting as it includes pump capacity similar to a fire engine, on-board water storage, a mid-size aerial ladder, fire hose and ground ladders.
"This purchase is an integral part of an ongoing program to correctly size the Fire Department's fleet and will allow the fleet to remain in compliance with NFPA 1901 standard for fire apparatus service life, which recommends that an apparatus stay in front line service for no longer then 15 years and be removed from service completely after 25 years," reads a memo to council from Matt Kulhanek, the city's fleet and facility manager.
The new truck is expected to be delivered in December. It will replace a 2001 Pierce fire engine, which will be retained as a reserve engine that will be put into service when another truck is undergoing maintenance or repairs.
No fire trucks are being sold as part of the transaction and the reserve fleet will be increased by one engine.
"The Fire Department needs a second reserve fire engine," city staff wrote in a memo to council. "Keeping this engine as part of the reserve fleet gives a backup to staff for major emergencies when members come in from home, and it also gives us a second spare rig when the other unit is already in use.