The sad and deadly truth about a career in the fire service will be on full display as firefighters and paramedics join grieving families from across North America once again to honor the men and women who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
This year, the names of 123 professional firefighters, all members of the International Association of Fire Fighters, have been added to the IAFF Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial Wall of Honor. They will be remembered with a moving service occurring one week after the 15th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. The names added this year include 10 who died from chronic illnesses linked to their recovery work at the Ground Zero site in Lower Manhattan.
The entire Memorial service will be streamed live. Video and photos of the service can be made available. Visit the Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial Web site for a list of names on the Wall of Honor and other information. Contact Tim Burn at 202 230-7167 or tburn@iaff.org more information or to arrange interviews.
The Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial, completely rebuilt in 2015, honors more than 7,400 IAFF members who died in the line of duty. The names include those who died on the job, as well as the alarming number who succumbed to chronic illnesses linked to the fire service such as heart disease and cancer. Etched on granite walls forming concentric circles, the names together tell a bigger story, a century of sacrifice, a fire service that has given so much but also become stronger and made communities safer.
The International Association of Fire Fighters, headquartered in Washington, D.C., is the leading advocate in North America for the safety and training of firefighters and paramedics and represents more than 300,000 full-time professional fire fighters and paramedics who protect communities in every state and throughout Canada. More information is available at www.iaff.org