Four minutes. That could mean the difference between life and death. When Kennewick city officials were considering spending $4.7 million to build and equip a fifth fire station, they talked a lot about getting more quickly to fires and medical emergencies. The last fire station in Kennewick was built 20 years ago.
More than 275 people attended a recent dedication ceremony for the newest fire station in Kennewick, Washington.
The fire department’s goal is to respond to emergency medical calls in four minutes and fires in five minutes. But until the opening of Fire Station 5 Monday, travel time to many local areas was closer to eight.
The 12,500-square-foot station fire station has living quarters for six and space to park three to four fire and emergency vehicles. It reportedly cost $3.775M.
The new station has polished concrete floors, long-lasting LED lights, and a low-water garden that the Benton County Conservation District helped install. There iss also a community classroom that the residents can use for meetings of up to 15 people.
“We’re trying to build a station we can carry into the future,” said Neil Hines, operations chief for the Kennewick Fire Department.