Auckland City's lead fire truck has been pulled from duty after it wouldn't start when called to a house fire in Grey Lynn. This was the last straw for truck 207, which has a "long list" of safety issues.
Firefighters refused to use the truck after the incident on Tuesday so the Firefighters' Union took the "rare action" of blacklisting the vehicle, which carries the "jaws of life" rescue equipment used to cut crash victims from vehicles.
Northern branch secretary Boyd Raines said the union believed the risk to firefighters and the public posed by the appliance was high.
It was the first time in 20 years that firefighters had blacklisted an appliance due to safety concerns.
Raines said there had been a spate of issues with the new fleet of MAN-branded fire trucks since they were brought in last year.
The German trucks were imported then fitted with necessary equipment like pumps by Lower Hutt company, Fraser Fire and Rescue, he said.
The union had received more the 200 complaints about the trucks, including doors not opening, trucks slipping out of gear and trucks not starting.
Raines said there were similar issues with other trucks in the Auckland City fleet and across the country.
The union was discussing the next steps with the fleet's management
Fire service communications shift manager Paul Radden said the truck was blacklisted on Tuesday and was not currently being used.
A spare truck had been brought in to replace it.