FORT SMITH (KFSM) -- Firefighters know all about helping those in need -- but sometimes it goes beyond rescuing people from burning buildings. Reed Whitson, a Fort Smith firefighter, found the perfect place to re-home some old firefighting equipment during his year-long mission trip to Guatemal...
“A couple weeks ago, with the help from the Fort Smith Fire Department, I was able to donate some fire gear to two different fire departments (states) in Guatemala. It brought with it some emotions for me as this was the first time in over a year that I have been around any firefighters. After being away from it over a year, I understand even better now the brotherhood that comes along with being a firefighter. I enjoyed talking and just being around other firefighters who, many, truly understand my experiences as a firefighter. To be able to talk and tell stories to ones who have actually experienced the same things is special. It’s a bond.
Thank you to the Guatemalan firefighters who were so appreciative. I was so glad to help and look forward helping again in the future. As long as the donations continue to come, we can help.