
WFC News

Posted: Dec 17, 2015

Calhoun County (SC) Gets Fire Apparatus Grant

Calhoun County has been awarded a Community Development Block Grant of $267,500 for the purchase of a new pumper truck. The local match is $26,750.

The money is to be used for the Jumper Station Fire Department near Swansea.

On Monday, Calhoun County Council approved a Planning Management Agreement so the Lower Savannah Council of Governments can administer the grant process.

The county is developing a $1 million borrowing package for an additional three trucks for the Rural Fire District. The trucks will be up for bid in the spring.

That will bring the county to a total of seven trucks.

"Eventually, we’re going to have nine trucks," council Chairman David Summers said.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2015

Montesano Fire Department takes $100,000 loan

The Montesano City Council approved an emergency loan for the city’s fire department during the Dec. 8 council meeting. Following an update from Fire Chief Corey Rux, the council unanimously approved the three-year loan of $100,000. The city’s fire department relies on EMS transports to generate revenue, however changes to other institutions coupled with fewer transports overall have left the department facing a shortfall.
- PUB DATE: 12/17/2015 1:32:47 PM - SOURCE: The Vidette
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Posted: Dec 17, 2015

Montesano Fire Department takes $100,000 loan

The Montesano City Council approved an emergency loan for the city’s fire department during the Dec. 8 council meeting. Following an update from Fire Chief Corey Rux, the council unanimously approved the three-year loan of $100,000. The city’s fire department relies on EMS transports to generate revenue, however changes to other institutions coupled with fewer transports overall have left the department facing a shortfall.
- PUB DATE: 12/17/2015 1:32:47 PM - SOURCE: The Vidette
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Posted: Dec 17, 2015

Can firefighting gear be decontaminated on scene?

With no standards to guide us, the best way to do gross decontamination on scene is anyone's guess.

It is a reoccurring theme that firefighters are exposed to harmful particulates and chemicals during structural fires, that many of these contaminants are persistent and that rates of certain cancers among firefighters are increasing.

While there are a number of specific actions fire departments can take to minimize fireground exposure or reduce the effects of exposure, one of the more potentially effective practices is on-scene gross contamination.

Yet, the key questions remain: Exactly what is gross contamination and is it practical for many fire departments...


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Posted: Dec 17, 2015

Here’s What Happens When You Don’t Trust Your Gut

It’s not always about finding the right answer. 

For me, this holds true for all tough business decisions: My work immensely suffers when I don’t listen to my gut and instead let fear of making the wrong decision take over.

I had to learn this the hard way after leaving a promising career in the hedge fund world to work on several startups of my own. Suddenly, the limitations that came from being in a corporate environment—like having a boss—were lifted and the onus was on me to make every decision. When you’re on your own, it’s you who directly benefitsor suffersfrom the outcome of your decisions, which can mean life or death for your company in some cases...

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