
WFC News

Posted: Nov 9, 2015

Firefighting’s in the family for new South Carolina chief

Joey Tanner’s ascension through the firefighting ranks seems inevitable. His grandfather was chief of the Johnsonville Fire District. When he retired, Tanner’s father took the job, which he still holds. Joey Tanner’s brother is a deputy chief in Florence. “We’re kind of working in the fire service our whole career,” the 52-year-old Tanner said Friday, hours after being announced as Horry County Fire Rescue’s newest chief.
- PUB DATE: 11/9/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: myrtle beach online
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Posted: Nov 9, 2015

Detroit’s firefighting downgrade fuels insurance hikes

Chronic problems at the Detroit Fire Department are catching up to homeowners in the form of higher insurance rates. Detroit already has the highest rates in the state. Now, they’re rising again for many, after a group that analyzes communities’ fire protection for insurance companies downgraded the city.
- PUB DATE: 11/9/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: detroit news
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Posted: Nov 9, 2015

Halting firefighter cancer starts with clean PPE

Unfortunately, too many firefighters and officers are not getting it. And "it" is that firefighters face an increased cancer risk compared with the general public. In its 2013 whitepaper "Taking Action Against Cancer in the Fire Service," the Firefighter Cancer Support Network reported that in 2006 researchers at the University of Cincinnati published their meta-analysis of 32 studies of cancer among firefighters.
- PUB DATE: 11/9/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: firerescue1
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Posted: Nov 9, 2015

Critic says cookies chipping away at California fire district's finances

Many residents are keeping an eye on East Contra Costa Fire District's financial struggles, but one of them recently took the scrutiny to a new level by chiding its chief for purchasing $23.96 worth of chocolate chip cookies. "She just didn't think we should be buying treats for the firefighters," said Chief Hugh Henderson of the woman who took him to task after spotting four $5 boxes of cookies among the groceries he was loading into his truck from the Safeway store in Discovery Bay.
- PUB DATE: 11/9/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: contra cost times
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Posted: Nov 9, 2015

Fire Truck Photo of the Day-E-ONE Pumper

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