Posted: Aug 19, 2015
A group of firefighters taking the recent lieutenants exam dashed off to the bathroom to access the answer key on their cellphones, The Post has learned.
The alleged cheats, taking the promotions test at a Queens high school, clicked a link to pull up answers to all 100 multiple-choice questions via a website that states, “We are very confident in this answer key and believe it to be 100% accurate.
- PUB DATE: 8/19/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: new york post
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Posted: Aug 19, 2015
After living almost a year as a paraplegic, a Truckee Meadows firefighter gets his life back thanks to new technology. Bill Winchester is the first American to test out the TEK RMD. It's been used in Europe, but now thousands of paraplegics in the U.S. can live a life that isn't confined to a wheel chair.
- PUB DATE: 8/19/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: KOLO-TV ABC 8
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Posted: Aug 19, 2015
The decision by Maplewood paramedics to stop resuscitation efforts on a dying woman Aug. 7 at the request of her husband was at the center of a recent Maplewood police investigation.
While officials would not link the case with the city's Monday decision to place six employees of the Maplewood Fire Department on administrative leave, the incident was referenced by Maplewood City Manager Melinda Coleman in an email response to an inquiry about the employment situation.
- PUB DATE: 8/19/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: St. Paul Pioneer Press
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Posted: Aug 19, 2015
In a settlement offer likely to be seen as a provocation by New Orleans firefighters, Mayor Mitch Landrieu proposed Tuesday (Aug. 18) a $42.25 million plan that would resolve years of litigation and impose a painful overhaul of the firefighters' pension system.
The plan is contingent on the approval a property tax increase by voters in a March 2016 election.
- PUB DATE: 8/19/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: New Orleans Times-Picayune
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Posted: Aug 19, 2015
As the flames drew closer, the fire chief called and called for help. But three other major wildfires were burning in Stevens County, Wash., and no one was left to respond. Whipped by 40- to 50-mph winds, the new blaze on the Spokane Reservation sent up a column of smoke as it churned north toward a rural community of about 2,000 people east of the Columbia River.
- PUB DATE: 8/19/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: los angeles times
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