Posted: Jul 17, 2015
Humans have an amazing capacity to do monumental things, and that includes royally screwing up. So, let's assume you've executed a grand career-crusher move. Like an Olympic gymnast sticking a perfect landing, your great blunder was worthy of a "ta-da" and high marks from the judges. The question becomes, what happens now? Can your career be saved? The answer depends on the size and nature of the blunder.
- PUB DATE: 7/17/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: firerescue1
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Posted: Jul 17, 2015
Nothing in the city charter prevents San Bernardino from outsourcing its Fire Department, a federal bankruptcy judge ruled Wednesday in a blow to the fire union that its attorneys immediately said they would appeal.
The ruling clears the way for the city’s plans to replace city firefighters — plans that have been underway for months with the San Bernardino County Fire Department and the private firm Centerra submitting bids to provide fire service, and which the city counted on to save $7 million to $10 million a year in its bankruptcy exit plan filed in May.
- PUB DATE: 7/17/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: the sun
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Posted: Jul 17, 2015
The unofficial results of the IAFC election have been returned; they show that Chief Tom Jenkins, Rogers (Ark.) Fire Department, has received the majority of IAFC members' votes and will become the IAFC's second vice president in August at Fire-Rescue International 2015 in Atlanta.
"I'd like to commend both Chief Ford and Chief Jenkins for offering their candidacies to help lead our great organization and running professional campaigns for this important office," said Chief G.
- PUB DATE: 7/17/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: international association of fire chiefs
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Posted: Jul 17, 2015
Smoke for multiple fires in Moses Lake closed Interstate 90.
Flames burned through multiple commercial buildings along North Frontage Road E. The flames could be seen from I90.
Originally, authorities asked that drivers on Interstate 90 not slow down due to fires in the area of Moses Lake.
By 11:15 a.
- PUB DATE: 7/17/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE:
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Posted: Jul 17, 2015
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