
WFC News

Posted: Jan 13, 2023

Vancouver (Canada) to Buy 14 New Large Fire Trucks for $27M; Electric Option Deemed Unsuitable

Up to 14 fire engine vehicles will be acquired by the city of Vancouver over the coming years at a cost of about $26.6 million, reported.

These new vehicles are needed to replace Vancouver Fire Rescue Services (VFRS) trucks that are approaching the end of their lifespan. They will run on renewable diesel to reduce carbon emissions.

City staff have noted that during the bidding process, the competing suppliers were asked to provide battery-electric trucks as an option for consideration for these new large vehicles, but they were later deemed unsuitable for reliable emergency needs as the technology is still in its infancy, the report said. More specifically, the proposed battery-electric trucks did not meet the minimum specifications for the water pumping capacity of fire operations, and the associated costs were significantly higher, the report said.

But Vancouver’s fire department will be extensively testing the use of a battery-electric model for small-sized fire trucks, according to the report.

The City’s 2023-2026 capital budget has also set aside $200,000 in funding to electrify 10 VFRS supporting vehicles and equipment. The largest future investment for the fire department, totalling $37 million, will largely go towards the renovation and expansion of Fire Hall No. 8 at the northwest corner of the intersection of Smithe and Hamilton streets in downtown Vancouver, the report said. There are also longer-term plans to relocate the West End’s Fire Hall No. 6, currently located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Nicola and Nelson streets, to a new facility on a different nearby site.

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Posted: Jan 13, 2023

Ohio Fire Department Keeps Fleet All Sutphen with New Aerial

Special Delivery

The Liberty Township (OH) Fire Department is located southwest of Columbus and north of Cincinnati, covering a 37-square-mile district from two stations.

Its fleet consists of an engine, a rescue-pumper, an aerial ladder platform, and three advanced life support (ALS) ambulances, with the fire suppression rigs all built by Sutphen Corp. When it came time to retire the department’s 2004 Sutphen 110-foot Magnum aerial platform quint because of its age, Liberty Township again chose to go with a Sutphen aerial.

The rig that the department had Sutphen build is a SPH 100 aerial platform on a Sutphen Monarch heavy-duty custom chassis with a 73-inch four-door cab and 10-inch raised roof. “We decided to eliminate the water tank on the new vehicle,” says Duane Price, Liberty Township’s assistant chief and chairperson of its truck committee. “By not putting a water tank on the rig, we were able to carry three more ground ladders, which is important to us because we don’t always have the ability to get our aerial platform in front of a house or apartment building because of long, narrow driveways or long setbacks. We almost doubled the extension ladder capacity on the truck, which allows us to throw more ground ladders on a building.”

The new aerial platform carries one 35-foot two-section extension ladder, two 28-foot two-section extension ladders, two 24-foot two-section extension ladders, a 20-foot roof ladder, a 16-foot roof ladder, and two 10-foot folding attic ladders in two enclosed ladder tunnels and a 16-foot roof ladder affixed to the side of the aerial. “On our old platform, the ladders were carried on the outside of the rig,” Price notes, “but with the new truck, they are kept clean and out of the elements in the ladder tunnel.”

 The Liberty Township (OH) Fire Department had Sutphen Corp. build this SPH 100 aerial ladder platform. (Photos courtesy of Herb Fire Equipment.)


Liberty Township (OH) Fire Department

Strength: 60 paid full-time firefighter/paramedics; two stations.

Service area: Provides fire suppression, rescue, and emergency medical services to a population of approximately 40,000 people in a 37-square-mile coverage district.

Other apparatus: Sutphen engine, 1,500-gpm pump, 1,000-gallon water tank; Sutphen rescue-pumper, 1,500-gpm pump, 750-gallon water tank; three Horton ALS ambulances, one each on Ford F-550, Ford F-650, and Freightliner chassis.

Price points out that the interior of the aerial platform’s cab matches those on its Sutphen engine and rescue-pumper. “The cab is set up for five firefighters,” he says, “with four of them in H.O. Bostrom self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) seats. There’s also a big emergency medical services (EMS) cabinet in the cab just inside the crew door on the road side that holds the paramedics’ EMS equipment, along with hazardous materials monitoring equipment and thermal imaging cameras.”

Andy Herb, president of Herb Fire Equipment, who sold the Sutphen aerial platform to Liberty Township, says the new truck’s huck bolt, 304 stainless-steel body was an important feature for the department, as was the ample amount of LED scene lighting installed on the rig. He notes that the vehicle is b

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Posted: Jan 13, 2023

Fire Apparatus of the Day: January 13, 2023

Pierce—Minnetonka (MN) Fire Department PUC pumper. Enforcer cab and chassis; Cummins L9 450-hp engine; Pierce PUC 1,500-gpm pump; UPF Poly 500-gallon water tank; 30-gallon foam cell; Pierce Husky 3™ single-agent foam system. Dealer: Brad White, MacQueen Emergency, Apple Valley, MN.



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Posted: Jan 13, 2023

Fire Engine Up for Auction from Alfred (ME) Fire Department

The town of Alfred is putting a 1995 Freightliner FLD70 on the auction block and taking bids from the public, reported

The nearly 28-year-old truck has a Cummings diesel engine, a 1,000-gallon tank and 46,409 miles on it, the report said.

So far, there have been 42 bids with the highest at $99,000, according to the report.

Check out the fire engine on

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Posted: Jan 13, 2023

Elon (NC) Fire Engine Out of Commission After Mishap with Tow Truck

Elon’s municipal leaders learned recently about the temporary loss of a fire engine, which encountered some maintenance issues on Monday – and ran off the road while it was being hauled off to the repair shop by a tow truck, reported.

A fire official reported to the town council Tuesday that the engine’s run of bad luck began when its driver noticed something wrong with the vehicle’s brakes on the way back from an emergency call Monday morning, the report said. A wrecker was called to take the three-year-old engine in for a tune up.

The tow truck driver apparently lost control of his own vehicle and wound up in a ditch – dragging along the town’s fire engine behind him, the report said.

The fire official conceded that it’s unclear just how much damage the fire engine sustained in this accident. It appears to be repairable. The department will put its backup engine in service in the meantime.

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