

The Finest Supporting the Bravest!

The purpose of the Fire Mechanics Section is to promote standardization of fire apparatus and equipment preventative maintenance, improve safety standards and practices, promote workshops, conferences, and seminars related to the purposes of this Section, and to promote cost savings through standardization of building and equipment purchasing and maintenance.


Posted: Mar 23, 2023

Bids for Salem (MO)’s 1932 Fire Truck to Re-Open

The city of Salem’s Board of Aldermen was set to accept a bid for the city’s 1932 fire truck at the March 14 meeting, reported.

Several bids were presented to aldermen, however, the board felt that there was too little information about the proposed use of the vehicle by many of the bidders, the report said. Board members and city officials said they feel that the constituents want the truck to stay local, since it is a part of Salem’s history.

The highest bid was from Huntington Beach (CA) at $4,800, according to the report.

The board discussed re-opening bidding with the preference that the truck stay in the state of Missouri, although they said they would consider out-of-state bids if not presented with more local options, the report said. 

PRESS RELEASE by Sally Burbridge, Salem (MO) city administrator, posted Feb. 28, 2023

There has been a lot of interest generated with the City of Salem posting a
Request for Bids to sell the old fire truck. Many are upset and feel it is
inappropriate for the city to sell a piece of our communities history. Many of
us would prefer this truck to stay in our community in some way. The question
is, who is the appropriate entity that can take care of it and has available
resources to keep it in good condition and in the public eye?

For the past few years, the truck has been on display at the Dent County
Fire Department inside the glass enclosure. While this has been satisfactory to
the public, it was cumbersome for the Fire Department. This facility is used on
many occasions for various purposes, one being as a voting location for the
public. When these other uses of the Fire Department were occurring, the Fire
Department would have to move the truck to storage in one of the bays and since
it is not operational (it does not currently run) the members of the Dent
County Fire Department, our firefighters, would have to push the truck out of
the display area into a bay and then back out again when the event was over.
While no one has any good estimates on the weight of the truck, we will simply
say it is very heavy and does not freely roll on its own, so requires quite a
bit of effort to move.

With the recent remodel of the Dent County Fire Station, the glass enclosure
is no more. This has allowed the Fire Department to utilize this space in a
different and necessary way for both the Fire Department’s needs and those of
the public. However, this means the display space for the old fire truck no
longer exists and it is relegated to simply sitting in a bay, taking up needed
space and not publicly visible. This situation prompted the Dent County Fire
Department to give the fire truck back to the city, which was a stipulation
when the City of Salem “gave” it to the Fire Department – that if the Fire Department
decided they no longer wanted it

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Posted: Mar 23, 2023

McAllen (TX) Fire Department Unveils New Truck for Airplane Emergencies

Berenice Garcia
The Monitor, McAllen, Texas

Mar. 21—McALLEN — The fire department here is newly prepared for potential airplane emergencies.

Firefighters and city officials unveiled a new fire truck on Tuesday that will be used to respond to any emergencies at the McAllen International Airport.

The fire department celebrated the acquirement of the E-ONE apparatus during a traditional “push-back” ceremony at the McAllen fire substation #4.

“It’s a tradition for the fire department going back to the 1800s in which the fire engines at the time were pulled by horses,” said Interim Fire Chief Juan Gloria. “With that in mind, whenever a new apparatus arrived to a fire house, the firefighters themselves would bring the truck to the front of the fire station — they would clean it, they would wash it and, by hand, they would push it back inside the quarters to put it in service and that is what we’re going to replicate today.”

The new truck is equipped with a 1,500 gallon on-board water tank and a high extendable reach turret, or H.E.R.T., piercing tip. The truck also has a 2,000 gallons per minute water pump, foam concentrate capacity of 210 gallons, and a dry-chemical fire suppression agent of 500 pounds.

This truck is going to be replacing an older fire unit that’s about 15 years old and it comes with all the usual capacity for water, foam and a few other agents that are specific for fuel fires, of course, specific to airplanes,” Gloria said. “It also has the ability to pierce through the actual fuselage of the plane (so) in the event of some kind of fire inside, it can pierce through it and literally inject water inside for faster extinguishment.”

Gloria emphasized that the truck will not be leaving the airport area as it will exclusively respond to emergencies within the airport perimeter.

“We have a range of different alerts that we may be activated for and so these are the fire trucks that will run quickly to the beginning of the runway as an airplane is coming in with any kind of emergency,” Gloria said. “They’ll be able to chase right behind and be there basically the moment in which the wheels stop; these fire trucks will be right on site ready to either extinguish the fire or to provide personnel for any kind of rescue that may be needed.”

The nearly $900,000 unit was funded by passenger fees collected locally by the McAllen airport and with the authorization of the Federal Aviation Administration.

“A large part of the funding comes from the passenger facility charge which comes as a fee for every ticketed passenger that goes through our airport,” said City Commissioner Joaquin “J.J.” Zamora.

City Manager Roel “Roy” Rodriguez said the city prioritizes serving the community in a way that is cost effective.

“We never stop working for this community, we never stop thinking of how best to serve our citizens and always at top of mind is also ‘How do we pay for it?'” Rodriguez said.

By funding the new truck with passenger facility funds, the purchase is not impacting citizens’ taxes, Rodriguez said.

“And that’s so important,” Rodriguez said. “It’s our job to ensure that everything that we do has the minimal impact to that, always.”

Gloria said the process of getting the new apparatus has taken nearly two years.

“There’s a long process to try to justify the funding request and acquiring the funding, going through the bid process too,” Gloria said. “We’re very happy that it finally became a reality today.”


To see more, view Monitor photojournalist

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Posted: Mar 23, 2023

Pawhuska (OK) Fire Department Gets New Equipment Thanks to State Grant

The Pawhuska Fire Department has new equipment that it hopes will make rescues quicker and safer, reported.

The fire department got a new pair of cutters, spreaders and struts that it will use when responding to car wrecks and urban search and rescue calls, the report said.

The new tools will allow firefighters to cut through metal cars or help pry open doors, according to the report. Pawhuska Fire did have a set of these tools already, but those tools were hydraulic and attached to the fire trucks.

These new tools are battery-operated which should make firefighters’ jobs safer and easier.

An INCOG 8020 state grant helped the town pay for the equipment, the report said. INCOG put up 80% of the funding for the equipment while the town paid the remaining 20%.

Without the funding from INCOG, Pawhuska would have had a difficult time buying the new battery-operated cutter and spreader since the set cost about $25,000, according to the report.

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Posted: Mar 23, 2023

SD Volunteer Fire Departments Will Receive $5M for Fire Equipment

Volunteer fire departments across South Dakota will be receiving money for personal protective equipment after House Bill 1127 was signed by Gov. Kristi Noem last week, reported.

House Bill 1127 would allocate $5 million in funds to the South Dakota Firefighters Association which would be distributed to volunteer fire departments that apply, the report said.

With nearly 350 volunteer fire departments in the state and at least 15 firefighters at each station, the cost of good equipment gets expensive, the report said.

Over 95% of fire departments in South Dakota are volunteer, according to the report.

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Fire Mechanics Section Board


Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Elliot Courage
North Whatcom Fire & Rescue
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Vice Chair

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Vice Chair

Mike Smith 
Pierce County Fire District #5
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Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Greg Bach
South Snohomish County Fire & Rescue
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Director #1

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #1

Doug Jones
South Kitsap Fire & Rescue
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Director #2

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #2

Paul Spencer 
Fire Fleet Maintenance LLC
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Director #3

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #3

Jim Morris
Mountain View Fire Department
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Director #4

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #4

Arnie Kuchta

Clark County Fire District 6

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Director #6

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #6

Brett Annear
Kitsap County Fire District 18
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Director #5

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #5

Jay Jacks
Camano Island Fire & Rescue
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Legislative Representative

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Legislative Representative

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Immediate Past Chair

Posted: Oct 20, 2015

Immediate Past Chair

Brian Fortner
Graham Fire & Rescue

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