Dublin Fire Brigade have criticised poor parking after they were delayed from attending an emergency, DublinLive.ie reported.
The incident occurred in Dolphin’s Barn on Tuesday. The fire brigade was called to assist someone on a residential street but realized the fire engine was unable to pass due a badly parked vehicle, the report said.
Dublin Fire Brigade wrote: “Firefighters from Dolphins Barn were delayed reaching someone looking for help this morning by ‘parking’. Parking space is at a premium, however, access is required at all times.”
DFB took to Twitter to share their frustrations about the delay in providing assistance. They did not add further details about the nature of the callout.
Photos show that that the poor parking left the fire engine with little room to get by, the report said. One user said that emergency vehicles should be entitled to push past offending vehicles and charge the car owners for any damage caused, according to the report.