
WFC News

Posted: Aug 29, 2022

Williamstown (MA) Moves Forward With Plans for New Fire Station

The Williamstown (MA) Fire District is expecting to get a glimpse of the preliminary costs for a new fire station on Wednesday night, according to a report published by

According to the report, the district’s architect is prepared to give the numbers to the building committee at Wednesday’s meeting as a first step toward the construction of a new station on Main Street.

The building committee has already decided to spend $7,500 to find out whether solar power for the building makes sense as a way to help sell the whole project to the voters, according to the report.

Other progress on the project includes completing a geothermal study of the chosen location which will be done later in September and discussions with the states department of transportation for curb cuts and lights on Route 2 for the new station, according to the report.

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Posted: Aug 29, 2022

Michigan Fire Departments Share $732K Assistance to Firefighers Grant for SCBAs

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will award Huron County Fire Departments $732,454 to replace existing self-containing breathing apparatuses (SCBA) air packs — important rescue equipment according to a news release from U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow (MI) and Gary Peters (MI).

Bad Axe, Harbor Beach, Port Austin, Caseville, Sigel Township, Bingham Township, and Sherman Township Fire Departments will receive this equipment. This funding comes from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) program.

 “Our firefighters put their lives on the line to protect our families, homes, and communities,” said Senator Stabenow. “These new resources will provide critical training for our first responders to help them better serve the public and do their jobs more safely and effectively.”

 “It is critical that firefighters and first responders have the adequate training, medical support, and up-to-date equipment to continue doing their jobs safely and effectively,” said Senator Peters, Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. “These grants will ensure that fire departments and emergency responders in Bad Axe have the resources necessary to protect the first responders and those they serve in their communities.”

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Posted: Aug 29, 2022

Two ‘large fires’ burn 2,600 acres of forest in Okanagan-Wenatchee National Forest

The White River and Irving Peak fires are burning 2,665 acres of forest in the Okanagan-Wenatchee National Forest 15 miles outside of Plain, WA, according to the U.S. Forest Service. The agency has classified them as “large fires,” per its tracker of fire events. The fires are 1% contained as of Monday morning.
- PUB DATE: 8/29/2022 9:53:45 AM - SOURCE: My Northwest
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Posted: Aug 29, 2022

Billings (MT) Fire Department Asks Public for Help Recovering Stolen Turnout Gear

Someone stole a Billings firefighter’s turnout gear out of his vehicle sometime Friday night or early Saturday morning, and the Fire Department is asking for help getting it back.

The department took to social media to request that whoever stole the gear return it. Or, if someone finds it, they’re asked to turn it in to the department.

Valued at about $6,000, the gear has little value to anyone other than the firefighter to whom its assigned.

Battalion Chief Kevin Bentz told KTVQ the department has had luck in the past seeking the return of stolen equipment.

Visit KTVQ for more.

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Posted: Aug 29, 2022

Fayetteville (NC) Set to Break Ground on New Fire Station Tomorrow

The City and Fayetteville (NC) firefighters will celebrate the groundbreaking for the new Fire Station Four on Tuesday, August 30 at 10 a.m. The new state-of-the-art station, located at 4210 Bragg Boulevard, will be centrally located to improve response in high-demand areas.  

Having a safe and secure community is one of Fayetteville’s primary goals. The new Fire Station Four is expected to become the busiest station in the City as it will be immediately accessible to several major travel routes with three bays for fire trucks. The relocation of the facility will also include a logistics facility where fire equipment, spare vehicles and office supplies can be stored. When complete, it will accommodate up to ten firefighters on duty at any given time with ten bedrooms and five restrooms with showers.  

“The investment in this long-awaited project illustrates the Council’s commitment to the community and to the staff of the Fayetteville Fire Department,” said Fire Chief Mike Hill. “It also has the potential to facilitate one of the greatest service enhancements I have witnessed in my career.” 

The $9.4 million facility is estimated to be completed within 18 months. It will replace the existing Fire Station Four currently located at 406 Stamper Road which opened in 1960. 

With 18,442 square feet of space, a variety of enhanced features and community space will be available. The new station will include decontamination equipment to remove exhaust from the air which is a safety measure for firefighters as cancer is a concern for firefighters across the nation. Staff can also use washers that are designed to reduce contaminants on uniforms. Turnout gear space will be a first for Fayetteville where firefighters will be able to use the space to store pants, boots, coats and gloves separate from living and working areas. A community room is included in the plans for neighborhood watch meetings and public safety classes. 

Improving public safety infrastructure is a priority for the Fayetteville City Council members who recently took action to put $97 million in three bond referendums on the November ballot. If voters approve the $60 million in public safety bonds, more fire station renovations and expansions could be possible across the City.  

The new Fire Station Four development is just one recent FFD success. Read the Fayetteville Fire Department Second Quarter Review online to see how rescuers have taken steps to ensure a safe and secure community. Visit the Fayetteville Fire Department Facebook page to see how firefighters connect with residents.

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