
WFC News

Posted: Aug 29, 2022

Extended Front Bumpers, Part 2

By Bill Adams

Bill Adams continues his look at the configurations of front bumper extensions for fire apparatus. Read part 1 here.

Pierce bumper extension

A 19-inch Pierce bumper with the steamer elbow on the officer’s side far edge with an open well for a 25-foot soft sleeve. The driver’s side open well has a capacity for 125-foot of 1¾-inch preconnected to a deck-mounted elbow. Tow hooks are mounted underneath.

These wells feature what Pierce calls “round aluminum extrusions” on the top leading edges to facilitate removing hose. Most apparatus manufacturers will provide them or a variation of them – if they are specified. Everything on the front end is “blacked out” except the elbows and treadplate.

Seagrave fire truck bumper extension

An open center hose well’s preconnect is supplied by a deck-mounted elbow on this Seagrave’s bumper. Dual air horns are on the officer’s side and a Q is recessed in a cut-out on the driver’s side. Painted tow eyes are beneath the bumper.

To my knowledge, there’s no regulation requiring dual air horns on a fire truck. If you have two, is it legal to have them side-by-side? Ditto for electronic siren speakers. Does being close together affect the performance of either?

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Posted: Aug 29, 2022

Lawrence (IN) Breaks Ground on New Fire Station

Lawrence (IN) public leaders and members of the community broke ground August 23 on a new $10 million fire station, the city’s first new station in more than 20 years, reported. The new station is expected to open in 2023.

Lawrence Fire Department Station No. 38 will be built at 4450 North McCoy Street at the same spot as the former station, which was demolished earlier this summer. The crews housed at the station were moved temporarily to other firehouses in the city.

The previous fire station, which was more than 35 years old, was originally built to house volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel. It was never intended for overnight stays, according to fire officials.

The new fire station was designed with feedback from current firefighters after visits to other recently-built stations in the area.

When complete, the new station will include a decontamination station, improved exhaust system and fitness center.

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Posted: Aug 29, 2022

Lawrence (IN) Breaks Ground on New Fire Station

Lawrence (IN) public leaders and members of the community broke ground August 23 on a new $10 million fire station, the city’s first new station in more than 20 years, reported. The new station is expected to open in 2023.

Lawrence Fire Department Station No. 38 will be built at 4450 North McCoy Street at the same spot as the former station, which was demolished earlier this summer. The crews housed at the station were moved temporarily to other firehouses in the city.

The previous fire station, which was more than 35 years old, was originally built to house volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel. It was never intended for overnight stays, according to fire officials.

The new fire station was designed with feedback from current firefighters after visits to other recently-built stations in the area.

When complete, the new station will include a decontamination station, improved exhaust system and fitness center.

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Posted: Aug 29, 2022

New Lowndes County (GA) Fire Station to Help with EMS Response Time

The Lowndes (GA) County Fire Rescue team unveiled Phase Two of its fire expansion plan August 25 with a hose uncoupling for a new fire station on Bemiss Road to better serve the unincorporated area, the Valdosta Daily Times reported.

Bemiss Fire Station 5 will be staffed with full-time firefighters manning the station 24/7, along with a bay for South Georgia Medical Center EMS, according to the report. The opening is expected to provide faster service to the North Bemiss area.

Local officials have collaborated for more than a year on improving fire and EMS services across the county due to only one department overseeing all of a growing Lowndes County. The final project called for three new fire stations, the report said.

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Posted: Aug 29, 2022

New Lowndes County (GA) Fire Station to Help with EMS Response Time

The Lowndes (GA) County Fire Rescue team unveiled Phase Two of its fire expansion plan August 25 with a hose uncoupling for a new fire station on Bemiss Road to better serve the unincorporated area, the Valdosta Daily Times reported.

Bemiss Fire Station 5 will be staffed with full-time firefighters manning the station 24/7, along with a bay for South Georgia Medical Center EMS, according to the report. The opening is expected to provide faster service to the North Bemiss area.

Local officials have collaborated for more than a year on improving fire and EMS services across the county due to only one department overseeing all of a growing Lowndes County. The final project called for three new fire stations, the report said.

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