The Decatur (AL) Fire Department is close to having the grand opening for its newest $3 million fire station that will replace one built in 1962, according to a report published by WAAY31 ABC.
According to the report, the department is set to have a ribbon cutting ceremony on September 8 after some supply chain issues caused delays on the construction.
The biggest, most noticeable difference between the two station is the sheer size of the new facility which is built to accommodate modern apparatus and allow the firefighters to drive through the bays to avoid backing into the stalls, according to the report.
Other improvements include separate rooms for each firefighter and accommodations for people with disabilities.
While the building is essentially in service, there remains some touch up issues to finish as well as some additional furniture to be delivered, according to the report
There are some touch-ups left to do and they’re waiting on some furniture, but the firehouse in now in service, according to the report, which also stated the ribbon cutting ceremony will begin at 1:30 pm on September 8.