
WFC News

Posted: Jul 29, 2022

Suspected arsonist reportedly riding around Spokane on bike starting fires

Spokane firefighters tell KHQ they are looking for a suspected arsonist who has been attempting to light fires around the University District and South Hill. The man is reportedly on a bicycle and has intentionally started at least four fires. A fire the suspect lit on E. Sprague Avenue and S. Erie Street did grow considerably.
- PUB DATE: 7/29/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: KHQ-TV NBC 6 Spokane
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Posted: Jul 29, 2022

Old fire station in Kitsap to be remodeled

One of the oldest fire stations in Kitsap County will be remodeled to better comply with building codes and community needs. Central Kitsap Fire and Rescue officially broke ground on the project July 13 for the demolition of the North Perry Community Fire Station No. 45. The station was built in 1965 and was the oldest staffed one in the district until its doors closed June 6.
- PUB DATE: 7/29/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: Kitsap Daily News - Metered Site
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Posted: Jul 29, 2022

Lynden business fire deemed arson, owner arrested

Whatcom County Jail records show the owner of the Lynden tire services business that burned the night of July 16th was arrested on Wednesday, July 27th, and charged with arson. Bolton Tire Pros Owner Kerry Michael Bolton, age 46, was arrested by Lynden Police, booked into Whatcom County Jail and charged with suspicion of 1st degree arson.
- PUB DATE: 7/29/2022 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: Whatcom News
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Posted: Jul 29, 2022

Fire Apparatus of the Day: July 29, 2022

Rosenbauer—St. Joseph (MI) Fire Department pumper. Avenger cab and chassis; Cummins L9 450-hp engine; Hale Qmax XS 1,500-gpm pump; 1,000-gallon polypropylene water tank; 30-gallon foam cell; FRC TurboFoam TFC 1000 Class A foam system. Dealer: Bill Sedlacek, Emergency Vehicles Plus, Holland, MI.



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Posted: Jul 28, 2022

Ithaca (NY) Favors New Fire Station Over Renovating Existing Facility

Officials in Ithaca (NY) have decided to build a new fire station rather than renovate an existing facility with the sale of the current facility covering more than half the cost of the new construction, according to a report published by Ithaca Times

According to the reports officials from the City of Ithaca, Cornell University and the Ithaca Fire Department considered all the options including flattening the current building at cost of $1.5 million, plus the added disruption of services while the work is being done. The committee realized the current fire station and land, located on a corridor of high-rises and national chain stores would be worth $5 million if it were offered for sale, according to the report, which said the proposed new station on a new location would cost about $9 million.

Additionally, the report said, the state had given the city $1 million toward the fire station which would result in a $3 million bill to the city for a new station, about $1.5 million more than the city was expecting to pay for renovating the existing station.

For the committee, the advantages of building a new station were obvious, according to the report, which said the current lot for the station is crowded and the facility cramped and uninsulated and was not environmentally friendly or green in an way.

The committee has identified a location for the new station and it will be studied on what affect a new fire station would have on the neighborhood and what the value of the old station will be before any final decisions are made, according to the report.

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