
WFC News

Posted: Jul 27, 2022

Fire Apparatus of the Day: July 27, 2022

Toyne—Hagerstown (IN) Fire Department pumper. Spartan Metro Star cab and chassis; Cummins L9 400-hp engine; Waterous CS 1,250-gpm pump; UPF Poly 750-gallon water tank; 25-gallon foam cell; FoamPro 2001 Class A foam system; Akron StreamMaster monitor with 12-inch riser; upper body coffin storage compartments; Whelen LED scene lights. Dealer: Donley Safety, Indianapolis, IN.



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Posted: Jul 26, 2022

Ready, Set, Go!: Cowlitz County uses heat wave to test emergency prep system

Cowlitz County officials are trying to provide notice for heat waves the same way they would warn residents about floods. The county used the buildup to this week’s heat to debut a new alert system called “Ready, Set, Go!” for the county. The framework is being used by the Cowlitz County Department of Emergency Management, local law enforcement and fire departments to prepare the public for an incoming natural disaster or emergency situation.
- PUB DATE: 7/26/2022 4:20:00 PM - SOURCE: The Daily News - Metered Site
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Posted: Jul 26, 2022

London Fire Brigade Poised to Test Its First Electric Fire Truck

The United Kingdom’s first all-electric fire truck is scheduled to be trialed with the London Fire Brigade later this year, according to a report published by ELECTRIFYING.COM.

According to the report, it’s hoped the project will help encourage the market for zero-emission specialized vehicles in the UK’s emergency services, said the report.

The new apparatus called Zero Emission Capable Pumping Appliance (ZEPA1), is based on a Mercedes truck and has a 1,750-liter water tank as well as a 100-liter foam cell, according to the report.

It also has a 280kWh battery with a 200-mile range with a small petrol engine designed as a range extender which is also designed for larger events.

As of now, 96 percent of all the London Fire Brigade’s buildings have electric vehicle charge points and the department is looking for other ways to expand it’s electric fleet by deploying more electric hybrid cars for other duties, according to the report.

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Posted: Jul 26, 2022

Rockingham County (VA) Prepares of November Opening of New Fire Station

Rockingham County’s (VA) newest fire station should be ready for opening in November, according to a report published by Daily News-Record.

With a cost of $3 million, the 12,000-square-foot facility will provide coverage for north-central Rockingham County, particularly the Singers Glen area and the northern section of the county, according to the report.

The station will have three bays with doors on both ends for a total of six apparatus with a minimum of an ambulance and fire truck dedicated to the station, the report said.

Some 15 new hires will staff the new facility and the department is always looking for volunteers across the county, the report said, encouraging those with interest in serving to reach out to staff in any of the county’s fire stations for more information.

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Posted: Jul 26, 2022

Horry County (SC) Fire Rescue Dedicates New $2.3 Million Fire Station

Horry County (SC) Fire Rescue in Longs dedicated a new fire station this morning, marking the conclusion of a more than two-year project, according to a report published by WMBF News.

According to the report, ground was broken on the new station in February 2020 and suffered some delays because of supply chain issues caused by the pandemic.

The station is about 8,000 square feet and cost $2.3 million with three drive-through bays and new technology for the firefighters, according to the report.

The department planned to live-stream the dedication ceremony scheduled to start at 10 am on Tuesday on its Facebook page.

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