
WFC News

Posted: Feb 28, 2018

Follow Up: Yakima Fire Chief retires after 30 years of service

Yakima Fire Chief Bob Stewart retired from the fire department Tuesday. Stewart spent his whole firefighting career right here in Yakima, a total of 30 years. He was a lieutenant, shift captain, training captain, deputy chief and then became chief in June 2014. Although he's taking many years of experience with him, Stewart said the department will get along just fine without him.
- PUB DATE: 2/28/2018 7:39:21 PM - SOURCE: KIMA-TV CBS 29 Yakima
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Posted: Feb 28, 2018

Coquille Tribal Community Fund Grant Buys Fire Equipment

A “self-contained breathing apparatus” — a backpack-mounted air tank and mask — protects a firefighter’s life on the job, while reducing long-term effects of toxic smoke. But Myrtle Point’s battered equipment no longer inspires confidence.


The department’s 15-year-old air tanks are hitting their legal expiration dates, and the accompanying gear is increasingly temperamental. A tiny malfunction can make exhaling difficult, and replacement parts are hard to find. Some volunteers are reluctant to wear the gear, despite its life-saving importance.

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Posted: Feb 28, 2018

Sewage Backups Shut Down Two Dallas Fire Stations

Station 41 had been having sewage problems since Feb. 20, when a pipe broke near Royal Lane and Preston Road and caused a significant backup in the station. Repair crews are on scene attempting to repair the pipe.  

The cause of the backup at Station 42 has not yet been identified.

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Posted: Feb 28, 2018

Earthquake Leaves Kodiak (AK) Fire Station Damaged, Energizes Efforts for Replacement

According to the Alaska Earthquake Center, that earthquake is considered one of the strongest recorded in the last 150 years in Alaska. And it left Kodiak’s firehouse worse for the ware.


Not only is the safety of his firefighters on his mind, but another shake could potentially break the station’s garage doors and trap Kodiak’s fire engines and ambulances. But Mullican says he’s got a plan for if that happens. Building a new firehouse will be expensive. It’s estimated the project will cost around $15 million. While in Washington, Mayor Branson spoke with Alaska’s U.S. Senators and its Representative about Kodiak’s need for a new station and where to get funding for the project. Nothings come from those conversations yet, but Mayor Branson says she’s optimistic.

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Posted: Feb 28, 2018

Madison Township (OH) Fire Department Buys New EMS Vehicle, Plans for New Fire Apparatus

The money for the vehicle, which will primarily be stationed at Station 72 on Belmont Avenue, came from the 1.75-mill fire levy township residents passed in November 2016, according to the press release.  

The new vehicle replaces Squad 71, a 2004 Braun the department plans to refurbish and remount the end of this year or beginning of next year.

The fire department plans to replace a new fire engine to replace a fire engine from 1979 that has already been removed from service.

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