Washington County has agreed to pay for an unexpected expense for the Chappell Hill Volunteer Fire Department, kwhi.com reported.
Commissioners Tuesday voted to reimburse the department in the amount of $38,830 to replace a fire truck engine, the report said. This came after a commissioner workshop last week where it was discovered that insurance did not take care of the cost for the engine.
A county official said this is an emergency situation for the community and surrounding areas, and that it is “crucial” to have the vehicle running properly, according to the report.
A commissioner said expenses like this cannot be budgeted for, but the interlocal agreement the county has with the volunteer fire departments allows for these purchases, the report said.
“Thank you Washington County commissioners for the help, greatly appreciated… and Great job Captain Dustin Brown for Representing the Chappell Hill Vol. Fire Dept. At the meeting!” the fire department posted on Facebook.