
WFC News

Posted: Aug 14, 2015

Police: Connecticut Firefighter Held Knife To Fellow Firefighter's Throat

A volunteer firefighter was arrested and charged with threatening a fellow firefighter with a knife, police said Thursday.The incident occurred on May 27 in an Eighth Utilities District fire station break room, police spokesman Capt. Christopher Davis said. Another firefighter was poking fun at Gates after Gates sneezed, Davis said.
- PUB DATE: 8/14/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: hartford courant
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Posted: Aug 14, 2015

Blame spread in deaths of 2 Ohio firefighters

An internal report on the 2014 North Toledo apartment building arson blaze that killed two firefighters concluded 12 factors contributed to their deaths — including a delay in getting to the building, communication failures, incorrect assessments of where the fire had started, and deployment of crews to the second floor while the fire burned below them downstairs.
- PUB DATE: 8/14/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: toledo blade
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Posted: Aug 14, 2015

Off-duty Tennesssee firefighter catches baby dropped from third floor during blaze

Chattanooga firefighters battled a large apartment fire last night at the Hidden Creek Apartments on East Brainerd Road. An off-duty Chattanooga firefighter captured a baby after it was dropped from the third floor by the mother, according to Bruce Garner, fire department spokesman. The firefighter was identified as Lieutenant Vernon Lane, with Ladder 1 at Station 1.
- PUB DATE: 8/14/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: Chattanooga Times Free Press
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Posted: Aug 14, 2015

Gang member in standoff after shooting FDNY lieutenant, setting house ablaze

A firefighter was shot by a Bloods gang member with a long rap sheet who set a Staten Island house on fire Friday morning when US marshals showed up to serve him a warrant, sources said. Authorities surrounded the house at 15 Destiny Court after the gunman – identified as 38-year old Garland Tyree – continued shooting, sources said.
- PUB DATE: 8/14/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: new york post
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Posted: Aug 13, 2015

Clark County Firefighter celebrates differences in children's book

Looking at the hopeful faces, crowded in a circle in Ridgefield Public Library on Thursday, you'd never know it. But Clark County Fire & Rescue Battalion Chief Tim Dawdy believes, for kids these days, life in the classroom is harder than ever. There's more work, and not everyone learns the same way.
- PUB DATE: 8/13/2015 8:10:21 PM - SOURCE: Northwest Cable News
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