
WFC News

Posted: Dec 18, 2017

Naples (FL) Fire Station is $3 Million Over Budget

Leading bids from construction firms to complete the work came in between $8 million to $10 million. The council only has about $5.6 million set aside for the project.  

The council on Wednesday will consider awarding a nearly $8.6 million contract to the lowest bidder, Manhattan Construction. The Naples-based firm is part of Rooney Holdings, owned by U.S. Rep. Francis Rooney and his family.  

The new two-story fire station, expected to stand for at least 50 years, will be built with special protections intended to withstand hurricanes as strong as a Category 5. It will also serve as the city’s emergency operations center.

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Posted: Dec 18, 2017

Shepherdstown (WV) Volunteer Fire Department Honors Late Chief in Fire Apparatus Dedication

The purchase of the 2017 Pierce Manufacturing, Arrow TX was made possible through an Assistance to Firefighters Grant provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and contributions from the community.
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Posted: Dec 18, 2017

Orland (ME) Fire Department Raises Funds for New Fire Equipment

Buying new gear is expensive, and the all-volunteer Orland Fire Department isn’t rich. Orland Fire Chief Bobby Conary said the department can usually raise enough money for new gear by applying for grants from foundations and from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.  

This year, however, several of the department’s grant applications fell through, so it was up to Orland taxpayers to foot the bill, if they wanted to.

While $18,818.50 is enough money to buy 10 sets of turnout gear, the department has 15 interior-certified firefighters in need. Fortunately for them, the department came up with a plan to make up the difference.

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Posted: Dec 18, 2017

Jasper (TN) Board Votes to Purchase Used Fire Apparatus

At the Jasper Board of Mayor and Aldermen's December meeting, fire Chief Chris Rector said the town could purchase the ladder truck for "roughly" $15,000 and that he valued the truck at between $60,000 and $80,000.  

The ladder truck is 20 years newer than the town's current model and includes a water pump, which the current one doesn't have.  

Mayor Paul Evans said an investigator with the Tennessee Municipal League in Nashville inspected the vehicle recently and "definitely thought it was a good buy."

A new ladder truck would cost between $750,000 and $1 million, he said.

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Posted: Dec 18, 2017

Knowing When Your Fire Apparatus Has a Suspension Problem

By Frank R. Myers

After driving the same vehicle every day, you will learn to hear and feel anything occurring that is out of the norm. Regardless of your level of expertise or knowledge, one must take action before “more expensive issues” add injury to insult.

At the start of a tour of duty or shift day, I would always perform a walk-around of the apparatus to assess any new damage or abnormalities. I was not trying to accuse another firefighter of causing damage, just trying to get any problem corrected early in the day. One of the easiest and dead giveaways that there is a suspension problem is if you notice the truck “leaning.”

Low tire pressure can also cause the apparatus to “lean,” so a driver needs to pay special attention to the inside tires if the apparatus has a dual tire configuration at the rear of the truck and/or tandem, dual axles with dual tires.

Viewing from the front of the truck about five to10 feet away or more, look at the bumper and see if it is parallel to the ground. If not, chances are that you may have a broken leaf spring(s) or cab mount(s). Cab mounts could be the problem if, when driving, you hear a “knocking” under the feet of the officer or driver or both.

Another case for “knocking” could be steering components. This issue can occur after periods of heavy rain. Some parts that get “lubed” may have had the grease or other lubricant washed off. When turning around corners, especially acutely, a knock will be heard, but not when driving in a straight line. Regardless of whether or not it is a lubrication issue, report it to maintenance personnel.

An easy visual inspection, without having to place the truck on a lift, is viewing the spring mounts where they attach to the chassis or frame rails. It is also advantageous to check the shackles or “U” bolts that keep the spring stack together. First of all, make sure that they are present, one on each end of the stack and/or that it has not moved or slid along the spring stack.

Your apparatus may not have the conventional spring stack configuration. You may have independent front wheel suspension or the same on the rear where there is an upper and lower control arm. Alternative terms may be an “A” Strut (Top) and “B” Strut (Lower). Inspection of these components is pretty much the same as a conventional suspension. Assure that they are attached to the chassis or frame rails via the mounting brackets. Also look for any cracks or hairline cracks that may be starting in the components.

Don’t be afraid to grab and shake or try to wiggle any of the larger metal parts that make up the steering components. Be sure to check any visible rubber bushings for cracks or “metal touching metal.” Obviously, look for any fluid leaks like power steering fluid or brake fluid if equipped with hydraulic brakes.

Other noises that can mimic a suspension problem are tire and brake components—such as worn or bad bearings, loose lug nuts, bent or cracked rims, damaged disc brake rotors, etc. All these can be easily detected without having to put the truck on a lift by turning the front tires so you can look in the wheel well. A leaking hub seal around the center of the tire/rim would look like a dirty rim: oily and grimy. Some torque putty or lug nut indicators would reveal when a lug nut is beginning to “back” off. Be sure to take off the decorative chrome or plastic caps to inspect the actual nut itself. When looking inside the wheel well(s), inspect the disc rotors—revealing uneven wear, discoloration, warping, grooves, or gouges or brake glaze.

I once had a friend who worked for the railroad company. He told me the story of how an engineer operates the locomotive. He said a good engineer does it by th

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