
WFC News

Posted: Jan 6, 2017

Apparatus Bay Doors and Floors

By Robert Tutterow

The apparatus bay is the only space that is a common denominator of fire stations across the globe.

How can you have a station without one? From a health, safety, and accident prevention perspective, a lot of information about bays has emerged in recent years that fire departments should address.

Bay Doors

As one who reviewed all vehicle accidents in my 42-station department for 24 years, it was not unusual to see “vehicle vs. overhead door” in the reports. Amazingly, almost all the accidents occurred while responding out of the station on a call. Rarely did I see a report when the accident occurred while returning into the station or leaving the station for a nonemergency response…hmmm. Some of the incidents were truly amazing-including at least two where the truck went through the door when there was no attempt to leave the station. In both cases, the engine was started in the station for unnecessary reasons and “stuff happened.” One Christmas Eve incident was particularly noteworthy. I arrived at the station to see the entire roll-up door laid out across the cab and the entire hosebed of the truck. Almost the entire front of the station wall collapsed. As the saying goes, “You can’t make some of this stuff up!” So much for war stories. You get the point. It has been, and continues to be, an issue.

Drive-Through Bays

Does your station have bay doors in the front and the rear for driving through, or just at the front for backing in? A drive-through bay offers many advantages-if it is truly drive-through. The need for backing is minimized and thus the chances of an accident are minimized. Unfortunately, many (if not most) drive-through bays end up being back-in bays because of other apparatus, vehicles, or equipment stored behind the primary response vehicle. Another advantage of a drive-through is that secondary apparatus or vehicles can respond out the back if parked behind a primary response vehicle. Drive-through bays also offer a secondary means of exiting the station if one of the opposite facing doors is inoperative for whatever reason. The amount of land available for the station often determines if drive-through bays are feasible. Drive-throughs require a lot more real estate.

There are some advantages to back-in-only bays. They might allow for the sleeping areas of the station to be directly located behind the bays, thus providing firefighters direct and quicker access to the bay. And, some people maintain that regular backing increases the skills of the driver/operator.

Four-Fold Doors

Four-fold bay doors (horizontally hinged) are becoming increasingly popular with new stations. They can be retrofitted to many existing stations if there is enough interior floor space available-the opening space typically requires a minimum of four feet of available floor space for the door to open. The four-fold doors open much faster and are far less likely to be struck by an apparatus. The driver can easily tell when the doors are fully open. Models are available that are hardened for ballistics, hurricanes, and tornadoes. These doors are very heavy duty and tested to go through more than a million cycles of opening and closing. Though they are expensive on the front end, they require minimal maintenance. Larger municipal departments have done a cost analysis and found that the initial high cost of the doors is easily justified because of the reduced maintenance costs compared to traditional roll-up doors.

Several departments have installed four-fold doors for the front of the station while keeping traditional roll-up doors in the rear. This is primarily a cost savings initiative, but is a good way to get four-fold doors introduced into the department.


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Posted: Jan 6, 2017

W. L. Gore Celebrates 40 Years of GORE-TEX®, Opening of New Research Labs

By Chris Mc Loone

It’s not often that you get to meet and listen to the inventor of something we see and use every time we are alerted to an emergency.

But, that is exactly what happened recently when a group of press representatives from various industries, including the fire industry, met in the Elkton, Maryland, and Newark, Delaware, W. L. Gore & Associates facilities on November 17 and 18, 2016. The event coincided with the 40th anniversary of GORE-TEX® and the opening of Gore’s Biophysics and Heat and Flame Protection labs. The company is almost 60 years old, and it has endured because of its focus on the end user and an environment that encourages innovation with an emphasis on the long term.

1 The Environmental Chamber of Gore’s new Biophysics Laboratory simulates a range of environmental conditions experienced by end users like a firefighter. (Photos courtesy of W. L. Gore & Associates unless otherwise noted
1 The Environmental Chamber of Gore’s new Biophysics Laboratory simulates a range of environmental conditions experienced by end users like a firefighter. (Photos courtesy of W. L. Gore & Associates unless otherwise noted.)

As an associate who spent most of her career with Gore in the Fabrics Division, Terri Kelly, president and CEO, says that the event was a proud moment and served as an example of how “one invention can change the trajectory of a company. GORE-TEX-no one else has it.” It was Bob Gore, Bill and Vieve Gore’s son, who discovered expanded PTFE (ePTFE), the core of GORE-TEX, and he discovered it while trying to create a less expensive plumber’s tape. Sometimes that’s how things happen and, like Kelly says, it only takes one thing to change the trajectory of a company. Now GORE-TEX is 40 years old and is used in countless products throughout the world.

Bob Gore attended the event, having recently retired as chairman of the board at Gore. As he related how he discovered ePTFE, he explained how it wasn’t until 1993 that the company paid back all the investment it made in what became GORE-TEX. But, that is how the company works. It is interested in the long term. As Gore says, it is not patience, it’s persistence. And, the innovation comes from doing things, not talking about things. “Make sure the work we are doing is doing things, not planning things,” he told the audience. “You learn so much more when you start doing things,” he says. Kelly adds, “It’s hard to create a viable business when you are worried about quarterlies. GORE-TEX would have never come about. The nature of innovation is trying a lot of things. Not all work.” However, by focusing on the end user, Kelly says, it helps create the next generation of products.

2 The cone calorimeter of Gore’s new Heat & Flame Protection Sciences Laboratory tests material characteristics under flash fire conditions.
2 The cone calorimeter of Gore’s new Heat & Flame Protection Sciences Laboratory tests material characteristics under flash fire conditions.

New Labs

The event began with various Gore associates providing a background on Gore, its products, and its new labs at the company’s Elkton, Maryland, EM5 location.

No matter who spoke, everyone always came back to the same phrase: “Fit for Use.” Everything that Gore produces is done with the end user in mind. And, these two new labs are an expression of this philosophy. The ultimate e

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Posted: Jan 6, 2017

W. L. Gore Celebrates 40 Years of GORE-TEX®, Opening of New Research Labs

By Chris Mc Loone

It’s not often that you get to meet and listen to the inventor of something we see and use every time we are alerted to an emergency.

But, that is exactly what happened recently when a group of press representatives from various industries, including the fire industry, met in the Elkton, Maryland, and Newark, Delaware, W. L. Gore & Associates facilities on November 17 and 18, 2016. The event coincided with the 40th anniversary of GORE-TEX® and the opening of Gore’s Biophysics and Heat and Flame Protection labs. The company is almost 60 years old, and it has endured because of its focus on the end user and an environment that encourages innovation with an emphasis on the long term.

1 The Environmental Chamber of Gore’s new Biophysics Laboratory simulates a range of environmental conditions experienced by end users like a firefighter. (Photos courtesy of W. L. Gore & Associates unless otherwise noted
1 The Environmental Chamber of Gore’s new Biophysics Laboratory simulates a range of environmental conditions experienced by end users like a firefighter. (Photos courtesy of W. L. Gore & Associates unless otherwise noted.)

As an associate who spent most of her career with Gore in the Fabrics Division, Terri Kelly, president and CEO, says that the event was a proud moment and served as an example of how “one invention can change the trajectory of a company. GORE-TEX-no one else has it.” It was Bob Gore, Bill and Vieve Gore’s son, who discovered expanded PTFE (ePTFE), the core of GORE-TEX, and he discovered it while trying to create a less expensive plumber’s tape. Sometimes that’s how things happen and, like Kelly says, it only takes one thing to change the trajectory of a company. Now GORE-TEX is 40 years old and is used in countless products throughout the world.

Bob Gore attended the event, having recently retired as chairman of the board at Gore. As he related how he discovered ePTFE, he explained how it wasn’t until 1993 that the company paid back all the investment it made in what became GORE-TEX. But, that is how the company works. It is interested in the long term. As Gore says, it is not patience, it’s persistence. And, the innovation comes from doing things, not talking about things. “Make sure the work we are doing is doing things, not planning things,” he told the audience. “You learn so much more when you start doing things,” he says. Kelly adds, “It’s hard to create a viable business when you are worried about quarterlies. GORE-TEX would have never come about. The nature of innovation is trying a lot of things. Not all work.” However, by focusing on the end user, Kelly says, it helps create the next generation of products.

2 The cone calorimeter of Gore’s new Heat & Flame Protection Sciences Laboratory tests material characteristics under flash fire conditions.
2 The cone calorimeter of Gore’s new Heat & Flame Protection Sciences Laboratory tests material characteristics under flash fire conditions.

New Labs

The event began with various Gore associates providing a background on Gore, its products, and its new labs at the company’s Elkton, Maryland, EM5 location.

No matter who spoke, everyone always came back to the same phrase: “Fit for Use.” Everything that Gore produces is done with the end user in mind. And, these two new labs are an expression of this philosophy. The ultimate e

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Posted: Jan 6, 2017

W. L. Gore Celebrates 40 Years of GORE-TEX®, Opening of New Research Labs

By Chris Mc Loone

It’s not often that you get to meet and listen to the inventor of something we see and use every time we are alerted to an emergency.

But, that is exactly what happened recently when a group of press representatives from various industries, including the fire industry, met in the Elkton, Maryland, and Newark, Delaware, W. L. Gore & Associates facilities on November 17 and 18, 2016. The event coincided with the 40th anniversary of GORE-TEX® and the opening of Gore’s Biophysics and Heat and Flame Protection labs. The company is almost 60 years old, and it has endured because of its focus on the end user and an environment that encourages innovation with an emphasis on the long term.

1 The Environmental Chamber of Gore’s new Biophysics Laboratory simulates a range of environmental conditions experienced by end users like a firefighter. (Photos courtesy of W. L. Gore & Associates unless otherwise noted
1 The Environmental Chamber of Gore’s new Biophysics Laboratory simulates a range of environmental conditions experienced by end users like a firefighter. (Photos courtesy of W. L. Gore & Associates unless otherwise noted.)

As an associate who spent most of her career with Gore in the Fabrics Division, Terri Kelly, president and CEO, says that the event was a proud moment and served as an example of how “one invention can change the trajectory of a company. GORE-TEX-no one else has it.” It was Bob Gore, Bill and Vieve Gore’s son, who discovered expanded PTFE (ePTFE), the core of GORE-TEX, and he discovered it while trying to create a less expensive plumber’s tape. Sometimes that’s how things happen and, like Kelly says, it only takes one thing to change the trajectory of a company. Now GORE-TEX is 40 years old and is used in countless products throughout the world.

Bob Gore attended the event, having recently retired as chairman of the board at Gore. As he related how he discovered ePTFE, he explained how it wasn’t until 1993 that the company paid back all the investment it made in what became GORE-TEX. But, that is how the company works. It is interested in the long term. As Gore says, it is not patience, it’s persistence. And, the innovation comes from doing things, not talking about things. “Make sure the work we are doing is doing things, not planning things,” he told the audience. “You learn so much more when you start doing things,” he says. Kelly adds, “It’s hard to create a viable business when you are worried about quarterlies. GORE-TEX would have never come about. The nature of innovation is trying a lot of things. Not all work.” However, by focusing on the end user, Kelly says, it helps create the next generation of products.

2 The cone calorimeter of Gore’s new Heat & Flame Protection Sciences Laboratory tests material characteristics under flash fire conditions.
2 The cone calorimeter of Gore’s new Heat & Flame Protection Sciences Laboratory tests material characteristics under flash fire conditions.

New Labs

The event began with various Gore associates providing a background on Gore, its products, and its new labs at the company’s Elkton, Maryland, EM5 location.

No matter who spoke, everyone always came back to the same phrase: “Fit for Use.” Everything that Gore produces is done with the end user in mind. And, these two new labs are an expression of this philosophy. The ultimate e

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Posted: Jan 6, 2017

Big Data in the Fire Service

By Paul C. Darley

“Big Data” is a term used a lot these days. It basically describes the large volume of data-both structured and unstructured-that inundates us on a day-to-day basis.

But, it’s not the amount of data that’s important; it’s what organizations do with the data that matters. In the business world, big data can be analyzed for patterns and insights that lead to better decisions and strategic business moves. In our world of firefighting, big data can be used to save lives and property while making fire departments more operationally efficient.

I often hear people in the fire service say, “There is so little data available to make decisions.” This actually couldn’t be further from the truth. You just need to know where to look and then slice and dice the data to find trends.

Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association (FAMA) member companies may use data from the Web sites below to develop products that are intended to improve efficiencies and effectiveness of firefighting equipment. Additionally, FAMA has a host of useful data intended to improve the safety of our firefighters and help make decisions when procuring certain firefighting equipment.

Must-Visit Web Sites

If you want to conduct some research on megatrends in the fire service, there are three must-visit Web sites.

  • National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS). This system ( was created by the National Fire Data Center of the United States Fire Administration (USFA), a division of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), after the 1973 report, “American Burning.” It is the central collection point to gather and analyze information on the magnitude of the nation’s fire problem as well as detailed characteristics and trends. Its uniform data reporting methods assist state agencies in developing and reporting data. Roughly 23,000 of the estimated 30,000 fire departments in the United States report their calls to NFIRS. There is generally a six-month lag as reporting comes through coordinated state efforts.
  • United States Fire Administration. Information from NFIRS is organized by the USFA ( so that it is discernable and actionable. You can download just about any data relative to U.S. fire service statistics. At this Web site, you can quickly navigate to the data and statistics sections, which include everything from the causes, types, and number of fires to the damage caused and the socioeconomic demographics affected. There are also detailed reports ready for you to download.
  • National Fire Protection Association. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA, actually conducts its own survey of U.S. public fire departments each year, and the results are similar to what the USFA reports. In September each year, the NFPA publishes its Annual Fire Loss Report. I literally check the Web site daily each September awaiting its release. When you go to the Web site, search for the “2015 Fire Loss Report.” While there, spend some time in the research and library areas.

What Do the Data Show?

When you view these Web sites, the first thing that jumps out is the declining total number of fires and fire fatalities. This is goal one for us in the fire service-whether you are a firefighter or someone building lifesaving equipment. For example, the USFA data show that there were 1.602 million fires in 2005 compar

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